his cultivation to making and repairing, the weapon that the Gongsun family majored in was spearmanship, so he perfected a set of “Dingtian Sheng” spearmanship.

his cultivation to making and repairing, the weapon that the Gongsun family majored in was spearmanship, so he perfected a set of “Dingtian Sheng” spearmanship.

his cultivation to making and repairing, the weapon that the Gongsun family majored in was spearmanship, so he perfected a set of “Dingtian Sheng” spearmanship.
This marksmanship was created by the founder of the Golden Family. This marksmanship once defeated the largest pack of wolves in Tianshengyuan. It is most suitable for charging into formations and dealing with group attacks. It is considered a relatively advanced marksmanship in Rouran, but it has been It has spread, and it is not unique to the Golden Family.
Chunhua is a good judge. After standing and taking a look, she raised her hands and applauded, “Good marksmanship. If you don’t go to the battlefield, it won’t be difficult to beat Sixiu.” This
is a very high evaluation. She thinks that it is purely from the perspective of understanding and application. In battle, he has already surpassed Si Xiu, and even in a simple comparison of spear skills, he will win.
As for those cultivators who can compete with you on the battlefield, no matter how good your spear skills are, you are just a mid-level cultivator.
Gongsun Weiming glanced at her, just as he finished using a set of marksmanship, he put away the spear, “I don’t dare to do it.”
He was able to answer proactively, mainly because – Chunhua was more beautiful. Although she was a mature woman, her skin was slightly thinner. A little darker, but she is one of the best beauties he has encountered since entering Rouran.
/This guy is such a piss-poor and doesn’t want to see beautiful women, especially after holding it in Rouran for more than a month, he is already ready to make a move.
Seeing his polite look, Chunhua felt more and more happy. She felt that he was much better than the rough and arrogant man she had seen. “It’s rare that you are not only handsome, but also know etiquette. Would you like to come with me to visit my home?” Miss?”
“Not interested,” Gongsun Weiming smiled and shook his head, “I won’t consider it unless you, the beautiful sister, stay with me for a few days.”
This is really frivolous, but for Rouran’s children, expressing their feelings directly is what they like. Yes, if you are secretive, you will easily be looked down upon and considered as hypocritical or lack of courage.
Chunhua laughed so hard that her branches trembled, and her eyes narrowed to a slit, “You really can speak, but you are the one we plan to dedicate to the eldest lady. Who dares to take the lead?”
Damn, what are you talking about? Woolen cloth? Gongsun Weiming was a little unhappy: “You consider me someone’s leader, have you ever asked me?”
So he simply waved his hand and said, “Your lady, I’m not interested. I only like beauties like you.” When
Chunhua heard this, she couldn’t help but feel a little sway in her heart and winked at him, ” My young lady is the real beauty, many times better than me. If you can be favored by her, it will be your blessing.” ”
/Exactly,” Gongsun Weiming snorted disdainfully and replied firmly, ” Beauty, please don’t lie to me, okay? We Rouran, how can ther

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