his head, but this time he actually communicated with the people of Erlang Temple, so as a bystander, he could hear something mysterious.

his head, but this time he actually communicated with the people of Erlang Temple, so as a bystander, he could hear something mysterious.

his head, but this time he actually communicated with the people of Erlang Temple, so as a bystander, he could hear something mysterious.
It is impossible to expect them to fully understand it, but they can always hear some medical theory and can truly feel the magic of Erlang’s eyes.
/After the treatment, Master Yun didn’t even wait for Li Yongsheng to rest. He walked forward, bent down, bowed deeply, and held a jade box in his hands. “I beg Master Li to accept it.”
Li Yongsheng took the jade box with both hands and opened it. There was an orange spirit stone inside. He looked at the other person in surprise, “Master Yun, what does this mean?”
“My father has been seriously injured for more than twenty years,” Master Yun replied respectfully. He has been naturalized for a long time, and his appearance and accent are the same as those of ordinary nationalities. “I beg Master Li to take action.”
“More than twenty years ago,” Li Yongsheng looked at Master Huyan thoughtfully, “This is what you said The one who was injured by the fire?”
Master Huyan hesitated and nodded slightly.
“Whether it can be cured or not is a matter of debate.” Li Yongsheng closed the jade box and handed it back to the other party. “Bring the person here. If I can cure it, I will charge you the medical fee.”
Zhenren Yun hesitated and replied, “My father has been bad at work for many years. This spiritual stone should be used as the cost of inviting Master Li to visit him.”
“It’s too expensive,” Li Yongsheng waved his hand, “Let me confirm, the injured person really cannot come to Erlang Temple?”
“Xiaoyun, please stop talking,” Ding Qinglian said, “It’s okay for your father to ride in the carriage. If you bring him here, we can help him protect the law.”
Protecting the law is just one of them, everyone can see it again. Li Yongsheng’s method of healing people.
Master Yun asked Li Yongsheng to come to his house because he was not worried about his father’s safety. Now that someone had exposed him, he had a happy temper, so he nodded, “Okay, I’ll tell them.” He turned around
and went out. Zhang Muzi spoke out. Asked, “Monan Yun’s family?”
Ding Qinglian smiled and nodded, “Zhang Dao has a friendly eye.”
“No wonder,” Zhang Muzi nodded thoughtfully and stopped talking.
She seemed to have thought of something, but Du Jingjing didn’t know. “What’s no wonder? Why haven’t I heard of such a family among the hidden families?”
Master Huyan answered, “The Yun family is not a hidden family. It was previously the Monan royal family. , The family has quite a bit of savings, but after a thousand years, it has almost lost its value.”
“I see,” Du Jingjing nodded, finally understanding why this person was able to produce a middle-grade spiritual stone.
The royal family of the tribe once roamed the desert south. In fact, even if they were naturalized in the Middle Earth, they still led the tribe for hundreds of years before gradually completing the transformation. As for the loss of wealth, it only happened in the past few hundred ye

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