ers, right?” Li Yongsheng rolled his eyes helplessly.

ers, right?” Li Yongsheng rolled his eyes helplessly.

ers, right?” Li Yongsheng rolled his eyes helplessly.
/Ding Qingyao sighed and shook his head, “Actually, I’m not very satisfied with the price you gave, but in fact, Zhenjun still admires you, which really makes me very distressed.” ”
I’m very distressed too,” Li Yongsheng He replied expressionlessly, “If they succeed in robbing the spirit stones this time, I estimate that there will still be people interested in Wanzai Youshui, and the price may continue to increase.”
Wanzai Youshui is very good at restraining the cult’s divine fire. As a result, families in Western Xinjiang used to use less, but if spiritual stones can be supplied and there are sources of goods, these rich people will definitely not mind buying more.
“You little guy, you are getting better and better at doing business,” Ding Jingzhu’s face didn’t look very good.
The person who responded did not wait long. Three days later, the first batch of injured people were sent over. This was the result of a hasty encounter. In order to hide their whereabouts, the Huyan family and the others had to fight head-on. Got off the other side.
The other party didn’t even have time to notify others through magic , so the winner would definitely have to pay a certain price.
Immediately afterwards, good news spread frequently, and the two teams swept through the temples they encountered.
There must have been gains, but no one reported to the rear, but a steady stream of injured people were sent down.
These people who responded did not want to share anything. Whether it was Xuannv Palace or Beiji Palace, whether it was Li Yongsheng or Zhu Erhuan, everyone just wanted to help save the cultivators of the Middle Earth Kingdom.
In the face of big issues of right and wrong, personal interests really don’t matter.
Chapter 564: The True Lord of the Cult
In the blink of an eye, it has been nine days since the cultivators from the Middle Earth entered the Crescent Kingdom.
There were more than 40 cultivators sent to the rear, and there were seven corpses, while the cultivators from the Middle Earth had already traveled more than 500 miles.
It has to be said that this cross-border robbery was extremely successful. You must know that the temples in the Crescent Moon Kingdom are much denser than those in the Middle Earth Kingdom.
On the front line of more than a thousand miles, the farthest point is five hundred miles deep, and there are at least fifty temples among them.
Income and other things aside, looking at the fact that only eight people died, it was definitely a huge success to sweep across such a large area – the reason there were only seven corpses was because one corpse was reduced to ashes.
The cultivators from the Middle Earth Kingdom do not need to mobilize against the cultivators from the True God Sect. Although Ding Xiangshi is the True Lord, he knows that the other party is waiting there, and there may be some dangers. He is not afraid to step forward and fight with his backhand.
However, it seems that this is the big result. The t

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