ll there. When he saw a silver light coming from him, he subconsciously hid, and then he was shocked to find that the silver light was following him.

ll there. When he saw a silver light coming from him, he subconsciously hid, and then he was shocked to find that the silver light was following him.

ll there. When he saw a silver light coming from him, he subconsciously hid, and then he was shocked to find that the silver light was following him.
“You can actually target the True Lord?” He was so frightened that he hurriedly pulled out a shield to block it.
In the Xuanqing plane, there are many techniques and Taoist tools that can lock the target for attack, but there are very few that can lock the True Lord. After all, the True Lord has witnessed the existence of the Great Dao, and the general rules will not apply to them. It doesn’t have much effect.
Murong Shenqi’s reaction was still a little too slow. The silver spear passed over the shield and was nailed directly on his lower abdomen, directly stabbing him through.
Murong Zhenjun became more and more horrified, “Liaoxi Gongsun’s killer silver spear?”
The only person who could cause such harm to Zhenjun was the Liaoxi Gongsun family.
No need to say anything, just run!
He was seriously injured and planned to stay in seclusion for a few years to recuperate before coming out to cause trouble.
But the Sand King came to him directly and said that I plan to teach the cultivators of Middle-earth a severe lesson. There is a very lack of good people now, and I have to make a hard trip for you.
Of course, the Sand King also said that he will not let you work in vain. After this battle is over, he will let you go to the temple to repair your body.
How dare Murong Shenqi refuse to agree? He is a man who has lost his legs. Now he is living in the Crescent Country. Even if he is not injured, he has to hold his nose and admit it. There is no other choice.
As for what he said about going to the temple to repair his body, just listen to this and don’t take it seriously – it’s not that the temple doesn’t have this ability, but it’s simply impossible to get his turn for this kind of thing.
With such resources, the True God Sect’s own True Lord may not even be ranked high, let alone this baseless True Lord.
Anyway, life is like that. Since you can’t resist, you can only obey. He even made a suggestion: We can act in this way, and China will definitely be angry.
That’s right, the Sand King showed off his power on the border because of his suggestion!
As for Zhenjun Murong? Of course it was the True Lord of Middle-earth who was lying in ambush nearby, preparing to sneak attack on him who might come across the border!
Chapter 567 I want to surrender
Murong Shenqi’s design cannot be said to be bad.
To be fair, the Sand King with the blessing of the True Selection Flag can basically compete with the True Lord Xiangshi and the Third Lord of the North Pole Palace at the same time. Coupled with the True Lord Murong who can make a sneak attack at any time, they may even defeat the Kingdom of China. One of the true kings stayed in the New Moon Kingdom.
/The sand king also appreciated this plan, so he agreed, saying that since you were seriously injured, it would be better to hide and attack.
In fact, God’s Chosen True Monarch had another idea: hidin

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