a high-level cultivator.

a high-level cultivator.

a high-level cultivator.
/He puts on a simple expression at will, but if it backfires, it will not be beautiful.
“That would be troublesome for him,” Zhu Zhu sighed, and after thinking about it, he spoke again, “It doesn’t hurt to rest for a few more days.”
He thought about being considerate of the other person, but when he fell asleep the next day, he felt His health improved a lot, and then he felt it seriously, and sure enough – he was being acupunctured again in his sleep.
/What made him even more depressed was that Shenting was apparently sealed off again.
Isn’t this over yet?
Zhu Zhu is very unbalanced in his heart. I can understand that you are self-conscious, but even if you directly express your intention to close the town while I am awake, I can accept it. If you secretly close the town while I am sleeping, this counts. what happened?
However, none of the three disciples expressed any objection, so there must be something else to say?
Host Zhu originally invited Li Yongsheng to express his gratitude and talk about this matter.
However, the other party sealed off the town while people were sleeping. He obviously didn’t want to publicize the matter. If he pointed it out hastily, it was not like a human being. It was originally a good thing, but it turned out badly.
At the same time, Li Yongsheng was talking to Sanmiao Zhu, “Please take a good look at my acupuncture techniques. I will do one more acupuncture at most before leaving. If you still can’t grasp the essence, your master can only slowly improve the acupuncture skills.” , or follow me south, you have to bring Erlang Divine Eyes with you.”
“How can I master the essence?” Master Buping replied with a frown, “Master Li, just stay, if anything happens in the south, I, Erlang Temple, will do our best. , I want to help you with it.”
It was Yongxin who wanted me to go back early. Li Yongsheng was a little helpless, “I have a small foundation in Zhuque City, and Boling County is about to be affected by the chaos in Sanxiang. My Taoist friends are still Over there, you know ”
Fellow Taoist” was originally just a title, a neutral term, just like “Miss” on Earth. But unfortunately, in the current Middle-earth Kingdom, “Fellow Taoist” is not preceded by a surname or a surname. As for names, these two words also represent other meanings.
Sanxiang chaos? The corner of Mr. Buping’s mouth twitched, you really care too much.
However, he could understand the matter involving his partner. Everyone has been young. He thought about it and then said, “Our Erlang Temple can send at least one cultivator and ten cultivators to help you go to the south. We are also willing to help Li Master pays the consultation fee in any amount.”
Previously, Li Yongsheng’s expenses were all borne by the Gongsun family. Now that he is leaving, the Gongsun family cannot stop him, so he can only come up with a blank check – said Well, how much do you plan to fill in there?
“You,” Li Yongsheng laughed angrily, “This is really not a question of medical fees. Do you

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