lly breaks out , for such a large Boling County, one cavalry brigade is simply not enough.

lly breaks out , for such a large Boling County, one cavalry brigade is simply not enough.

lly breaks out , for such a large Boling County, one cavalry brigade is simply not enough.
Since the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Kingdom of China has developed vigorously and orderly, so its armaments are a bit lax. All the horses of the cavalry brigade have been sold, and no one knows about it.
But once King Jing gets into trouble, Boling County will block Sanxiang’s main route to the north, and one cavalry brigade is really not enough to fight.
Wang Zhiyun believed that there was something wrong with the Munitions Department’s plan. If the plan could be changed, it would not only be good for the future, but it would also be much easier to win war horses now.
From a process perspective, this was a necessary step, otherwise even if Li Yongsheng saved Li Qingming, he would only need 3,000 horses.
Li Yongsheng looked at him with a half-smile, “Have you told Minister Li this?”
“I have,” Wang Zhiyun nodded dejectedly, “But Minister Li said that the war horses will mainly be used on the border, and the strategic focus will not change. ”
The border is of course the northwest. Although the northeast is also the border, it does not have the conditions for a large cavalry army to fight. There are about 100,000 or 80,000 horses, which is basically enough.
The king’s military commander also knew in his heart that the Crescent Kingdom in the northwest was a great enemy, and it could even accommodate hundreds of thousands of horses for large-scale battles, and it also had the conditions for long-distance cavalry attacks.
Compared with these two places, Boling County is not very easy to fight for war horses.
“Too many words,” Li Yongsheng said two words lightly.
/“Oh, it’s true that I talk too much,” Wang Zhiyun sighed again, “I did something wrong again, right?”
/“You have already begged Li Qingming once, why should I speak again?” Li Yongsheng frowned. Together, “Commissioner Wang Jun, please don’t always be so leaky when doing things, okay?”
“Aren’t I just trying not to trouble you?” Commander Wang Jun shouted. He admitted that what the other party said was reasonable, but he I’m really a bit unconvinced.
He even said aggrievedly, “Li Qingming only has foreign enemies in his eyes, so the domestic situation is very optimistic?” ”
I won’t tell you this anymore.” Li Yongsheng didn’t want to have a meaningless debate, “Are you sure I will talk to Li Qingming?” Just say it and he will change the strategic focus?”
This is simply impossible, and the military minister of any country would not be so funny.
Of course Wang Zhiyun also knew this. He hesitated and replied calmly, “If you don’t give it a try, how will you know it won’t work? If it really doesn’t work, he can’t refuse again and again if he wants to come out with 3,000 war horses, can he?”
Li Yongsheng glanced at him. , asked with great interest, “Are you sure that Li Qingming said that if he gave three thousand horses, the Munitions Department would be able to allocate three thousand horses? Other senior county military officers must

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