to the second level of eternal Taoism.

to the second level of eternal Taoism.

He has such a background.
Especially after gradually refining the Yuanshi Jade Bead and integrating it into Daoguo Qingyun.
With the Dao Heart Realm and the strange sign of Wujiangguangyun, his promotion speed will be very fast.
In addition, Zhang Jian felt that many treasures on his body had not been used to their full potential.
For example, five innate spiritual treasures, as well as many treasures of heaven and earth, such as the Heart of Destiny, the Three Life Stones, the Sui Emperor’s Enlightenment Picture, etc. These treasures of heaven and earth are inherently precious and contain the imprint of the great road of heaven and earth.
Some of their values ??are no less valuable than innate spiritual treasures.
If this kind of foundation is completely integrated, Zhang Jian can further advance the Taoist fruit and Taoism.
Thousands of years passed by in a blink of an eye.
In the netherworld, Zhang Jian repaid the cause and effect of Cheng Tian’s imitation of the Earth Emperor, and he felt relaxed all over.
Over the course of a thousand years, he felt that his Taoism had grown rapidly.
It is close to ninety-nine and eighty-one yuanhui daoxing.
Taoism is close to the limit.
However, there is still room for improvement in Taoism, Taoism, Yuan Shen, and Eternal Will, and Zhang Jian is not in a hurry.
In the Netherworld Underworld, the majestic Netherworld Moon hangs high and above the infinite void in the Netherworld Underworld. Its brilliance pours into the sea of ??underworld, passing through the sea of ??underworld and falling into many underworld lands, nourishing countless underworld creatures.
This dark moon and the bright moon in the heaven dimension seem to form the authority of the yin side of heaven and earth.
Zhang Jian can clearly sense that wherever the moonlight shines, his divine power follows him.
This kind of authority is truly magnificent and vast.
But this kind of authority is not the strongest among the many authorities he controls.
The strongest one is still the third-level Dao Lord, the Soul God Lord.
In this “Universal Dao Lord Personality” in the void of the heavens, countless wild worlds collapsed, and the fragmented worlds can be used by him. He can descend into these heavens and earth anytime and anywhere, and has the “Three Transformations Path” Jun’s character.
This is the most shocking part of this authority.
On the other hand, Zhang Jian can also understand the motivation of countless immortals who went crazy looking for the ‘Xuanming God’s Seat’.
This kind of power is too amazing.
/The position of the “Xuanming God” in the ocean of origin of chaos is higher than that of the third-level Taoist Lord. It is the highest level. It can also be said that it is the same level as the Supreme Level, the Heavenly Emperor level, and the Taoist level.
This level of personality does not represent combat power, but it is a great blessing for fighting and spiritual practice.
Similar to him, the blessing of multiple Dao Lord personalities

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