ere dumbfounded.

ere dumbfounded.

“The liar’s zombie face is definitely a liar!” Fan Hong jumped.
“Crazy, really crazy, absolutely impossible!” Fan Hong seemed to have seen something incredible.
Wang Meng and Ma Tianer looked at each other, “Fan Niao, don’t be so exaggerated. What is going on?”
Fan Hong had been around for a long time and was too lively, so he was “renamed” Fan Niao from then on.
/Fan Hong is still quite proud of this nickname.
“The formation indicated by this talisman leads to the Flame God Realm. To obtain the Thousand Tempered Fire God Stone, damn, this is no different from committing suicide!”
Seeing Wang Meng and Ma Tianer’s confusion, Fan Hong couldn’t help but sigh. Wang Meng is awesome, but being uneducated is terrible.
“Ahem, let me explain to you. The Small Thousand Realm is divided into four levels: earth, sky, xuan, and god. The earth-level and heaven-level Xiaoqian Realms are where we cultivators can survive. The xuan-level and god-level The environment of the Small Thousand World is either extremely harsh, or it is filled with the power of powerful laws or occupied by tyrannical monsters. Basically, only those top camps will go to that kind of place, and the Flame God Realm is not only a god-level Small Thousand World, but also The Five Elements Dominate the Small Thousand Realm. Entering the other Five Elements is basically a dead end. The Thousand Quenching Spirit Stone is the treasure of the Five Elements Dominant Fire. It can be used to refine magical weapons and swords. It is undoubtedly of great benefit to those who govern the Five Elements Fire. However, the gain is not worth the loss. , to go to that kind of place is to die.”
Fan Hong was like an eggplant beaten by frost. He had finally worked hard to get to this point, but failed.
“Damn it, five thousand spirit stones, I’ll go find him and get them back!” Fan Hong said with a sad face.
Wang Meng grabbed Fan Hong, but Ma Tian’er was even more helpless because of the mission. According to Fan Hong, her past as the master of the Five Elements was a dead end.
Fire God Realm? Lu Yuetian’s cunning smile appeared in Wang Meng’s mind involuntarily, and he felt that it had something to do with him.
I really don’t know what this old demon dean wants to do.
Everyone was stunned when they heard the news, especially He Zui, who was a veteran of the Cultivation Academy. “This is too memorized. It’s extremely rare to get this kind of mission by building a camp.”
“Leave this matter to me and Wang Meng. You’ll find out what the divine world is when you go there!”
Li Tianyi was gearing up, Qi Feiyu was killed by Wang Meng, leaving Li Tianyi with nothing to do.
Akito smiled, “Plus me.”
He Zui nodded, “That’s all we can do. If it’s dangerous, forget it. We won’t have to worry about having no firewood to burn Qingshan. As long as we can get the Thousand Tempered Spiritual Stones, the rest is fine.”
/“Senior Brother He, is there anything we should pay attention to in the Flame God Realm?” Mingren asked.
He Zui shook his head, “Earth, Heaven, Xuan

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