don Scepter” and followed the letter intently, trying to locate the witch.

don Scepter” and followed the letter intently, trying to locate the witch.

At this time, in his “real vision”, the dark and deep “mirror world” fluctuated violently, making everything blurry.
By the time the shock subsided, Klein had lost the letter and the trace of the witch Triss.
“The aura of the ‘Original Witch’ can actually interfere with this kind of gaze…” Klein was silent for a moment and sighed.
Precisely because of Triss’s various peculiarities, he did not take the risk of mixing his hair into the material to locate the opponent. This would easily lead to a terrible curse, and he might die suddenly on the spot.
For Klein, a sudden death means a sudden death. Anyway, as long as the body is not crushed, it should be able to be resurrected, but that means that he will not be able to seize the opportunity to target Triss – the other party will definitely do it soon. If there is no transfer, doesn’t this mean that a precious resurrection opportunity is wasted?
/Suffering a setback, Klein quickly returned to the real world and left the Backlund Bridge area.
/He planned to inform the “Goddess of the Night” about the Witch Triss by reciting her honorable name and praying in a low voice. By then, if something unexpected happened on the night of the full moon, at least the gods were watching Backlund, and there was a certain amount of information in advance. preparation.
——The one who banished and sealed Mr. “Gate” was the “Night Goddess”. She must be very aware of the other party’s tricks.
In similar aspects, Klein has never been pushy and has a very clear understanding of himself:
Since you can’t solve the problem yourself, then find someone who can solve the problem for help!
As for why he didn’t do this at home and had to go to St. Samuel’s Church, it was because Klein wanted to observe the situation on Berklund Street and the surrounding area, looking for the slightest trace of Amon’s arrival.
——Hazel and her family have had entanglements with Amon, and she herself still belongs to the “stealer” path. Regardless of the intersection of fate or the aggregation of characteristics, she will become a high-risk group for encountering Amon by chance. Ryan didn’t dare to be negligent or careless about this. The reminder and arrangement he gave himself was to come over for inspection every once in a while.
Similarly, since Miss Justice helped Hazel treat her psychological trauma several times, once something went wrong with Hazel, it would easily affect her. Therefore, Klein was also worried about the safety of this noble girl and thought it was necessary. From time to time, he would check his status through “Crimson Star”. Of course, he would avoid the more embarrassing time periods.
While his thoughts were flying, Klein, who was approaching Paisfield Street, got off the carriage in advance and asked his secret puppet Enuni to recite the honorable name of “Poseidon” in a hidden place.
He himself exchanged positions with Secret Puppet Qonas, and in a “twisted” closed space, he walked four steps backwar

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