the first mate is One-Eyed Anderson with a bounty of 500 pounds.”

the first mate is One-Eyed Anderson with a bounty of 500 pounds.”

In the pirate world, bounty is an important reference for identity and status.
Considering that he currently does not have very good underwater abilities, and allowing pirates to board the ship can easily cause casualties to innocent people, Klein was silent for a few seconds and said:
“Do they know you?”
“Of course.” Daniz straightened his back instantly, “They are qualified to participate in the grand gathering among pirates. I once kicked their butts.”
Klein, the famous pirate who deserves to be worth 3,000 pounds, asked again without changing his expression:
“Do they have telescopes?”
“This is a necessary item. Even if the ship is controlled, there will be sailors standing on the observation deck, using telescopes to observe the surrounding situation to prevent being raided.” Daniz replied with hidden disdain.
Danitz, who used to be a member of a well-known secret organization of bounty hunters, subconsciously guessed about Gehrman Sparrow’s past.
“At this time, will the captain and first mate use telescopes to observe here?” Klein originally wanted to use 900 pounds and 500 pounds instead, but felt that this was a bit impolite.
/“Definitely, they must always keep abreast of the situation of the plundered objects.” Daniz replied slightly confused.
He didn’t understand what Gehrman Sparrow’s purpose was in asking these questions. According to his idea, if he had the strength of the other party, he would definitely let the Red Skull Pirates approach and find an opportunity to board their ship. Kill everyone.
Klein turned his head and looked at Daniz with a gentle and gentle smile:
“That’s good.”
What do you want to do? Don’t laugh like this. Danitz suddenly panicked and mustered up the courage to resist.
/“Take off your wig.” Klein ordered calmly.
Daniz was puzzled for a while, and slowly took off the wig on his head.
Klein took out a bottle of special hydrosol from his hidden pocket and handed it over:
“Wipe your eyebrows and face clean.”
This is the mysterious “makeup remover” he prepared for the clown disguise before he was promoted to “Faceless Man”, and he used it when he surrounded the “Wraith Soul” of the Rose School.
Now, of course, Klein no longer needs this kind of thing, but he has never been willing to throw it away.
“” Daniz became more and more puzzled, but before the other party made a real attack, he did not want to get to the point where he could not return, so he had to follow the instructions, wash off the disguise on his face, and return to his original appearance.
Taking back the metal vial, Klein opened the window and let the sea breeze from outside flow in.
“You stand here, facing outside.” He pointed directly behind the window and said to “Blaze” Daniz.
Daniz walked over blankly and warily, standing firmly behind the window.
Klein looked at it for a few seconds and asked calmly:
“You have two choices. One is to crawl out by yourself and hang there conspicuously, or the other is to let me hold you by the

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