and sisters and run away alone.

and sisters and run away alone.

Born in a family like the Zhang family, Zhang Jian is more aware of the constraints that the secular world has on young men and women.
It’s just for the small landlord class. If such private giving and receiving happens in a big family, it will be a huge scandal, which will affect the career of father and brother, and also affect the marriage of sisters.
In an environment where morality is the main punishment and punishment is auxiliary, moral cultivation is extremely important.
It is also the first sense given to people.
/Similar to the union between his mother Qi Ruoying and Zhang Yi, it is actually shocking.
In the night, a group of new scholars were drunk. Before the curfew, everyone gradually dispersed.
Just after walking out of Zhuangyuan Residence, Zhang Jian’s expression changed. He asked Zhang Lu and others to leave on their own, while he quietly walked along the shadow of an alley.
In a shadow not far away, a figure shrouded in black energy was hiding in the darkness, a pair of scarlet eyes staring at the soldiers patrolling the street from a distance.
He glanced at these soldiers greedily, but after noticing the faint fluctuations of divine power around these patrolling soldiers, he converged his eyes, and finally his eyes fell on some drunken single drinkers coming out of the restaurant.
Especially young single guests.
Focusing on a figure staggering out of the restaurant, his figure seemed to be moving close to the ground, floating silently and low in the sky.
That was a young warrior, with strong energy and blood all over his body!
She was dressed in silk attire and looked very good!
However, such a young warrior made the figure in the darkness glow with strong greed, but he didn’t know that there was also a figure floating quietly behind his head.
But in an instant, he noticed something was wrong, and he vaguely sensed something. The figure in black subconsciously turned his head, but he didn’t see anyone.
Such a strange situation made even the man in black feel a chill in his heart. In the past, his appearance always made the prey panic.
But today he actually felt the same way.
When he turned around, his expression was even more shocked. The ‘prey’ he had targeted had disappeared.
This couldn’t help but make his face change color, and the black energy around his body was rolling, and he was about to turn into a black wind, but he saw a hand appear out of thin air, and in an instant, it reached down from the silver moon, and struck his Tianling Cap with a palm. In an instant, he The figure was like a streak of black energy that was turned into ashes on the jade-white palm, leaving only a dark soul that was caught deep in the palm of the hand.
Facing that indifferent gaze, the soul of the black-clothed figure now had a faint gleam of blood in his eyes.
“Blood Demon Transformation Technique, Blood Shadow Demon Sect?”
Seeing this strange sign, Zhang Jian slowly walked out from under the silvery moonlight, and there was something strange in his eyes.

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