ades and hundreds of years!”

ades and hundreds of years!”

Zhang Jian’s eyes moved.
This time is not abundant for an innate emperor, but he is different.
Being able to pull wool from the depths of the ancestral temple every once in a while, hundreds of years are enough for him to grow to a level that other practitioners can only dream of.
Ancestor Qing Yuan also looked at Zhang Jian with a look of expectation in his eyes.
The catastrophe is approaching, and Zhang Jian in front of him is undoubtedly crucial to Tongshan Taoism.
An innate emperor is like a sea-fixing needle.
For ancient immortals like them, decades, even hundreds of years, are probably just a period of retreat, with limited room for growth.
But for the innate emperor in front of him, it is probably a good period of growth.
The faster Zhang Jian grows, the safer Tongshan Taoism will be in the catastrophe.
You might even be able to achieve the Holy King’s Path and Fruition through this.
/That is the creation of the entire Kiriyama Taoism.
After receiving Qingyuan Patriarch’s clear attitude, Zhang Jian knew what was going on, and then discussed part of the Great Xia Dynasty’s expansion plan with Qingyuan Patriarch.
The Great Xia Dynasty expanded so fast that even the two hundred southeastern continents have not been fully digested. Many places are still blank areas. Zhang Jian can only control them with the help of the power of the Kyushu Barrier.
For the Great Xia Dynasty, many state capitals were still just enclaves.
Although he has the title of ruler in name, he is actually in the hands of the local Immortal Sect.
However, Zhang Jian had anticipated this situation and was not worried.
He has a long life now, and he has enough time to control many state capitals one by one.
Zhang Jian is also preparing to follow this approach in the two realms and other continents in the wilderness area.
As long as he recognized the rule of the Daxia Dynasty first, he could generously grant status to the princes, and when the Daxia Dynasty gradually expanded, he would completely bring these state capitals under his rule step by step.
After the discussion, Zhang Jian obtained the inheritance of the Nine Heavens Divine Tower Golden Medal from the Patriarch Hall, as well as four second-level magical arts, four third-level magical arts, and two fourth-level magical inheritances.
Within the “Nine Heavens Divine Tower Golden Chapter”, various Shinto magic techniques are inherited.
However, the Golden Chapter of the Nine Heavens Divine Tower is also divided into chapters, including the gold chapter, the wood chapter, the water chapter, the fire chapter, the earth chapter, the thunder chapter, and the ghosts and gods chapter.
Zhang Jian chose the land character chapter.
The authority of his Sheji Shinto lies in the earth.
It’s just that compared to the land of the mountain god in the traditional sense, the city god is more powerful.
Most of the ten Shinto magic arts are mainly earth-attribute and earth-attribute magic.
Secondly, there are Yuan Shen type and Dao Xin type magic arts.

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