defeat a mere human?”

defeat a mere human?”

Chi Huang can tolerate anything, but he will never give in to this. The demon clan has relied on killing and strength for many years of war. His own strength is Chi Huang’s greatest pride. This is his foundation and the source of his strength. This is also the prestige he can gain in the demon clan to compete with Chi Zhu. If he had to deal with a mere human being, he would have to fight in a group. From then on, he was raised in front of Chi Zhu.
Chi Ying sighed. She didn’t know the complexity of this, but now she could only nod.
Hu Jing smiled and said, “Chi Huang, you are the only one in the Demon Clan who has some backbone. If you can defeat Wang Meng with your own ability, I will join the Demon Clan!”
An arrogant smile appeared on Chi Huang’s face. “Although I have no interest in you, this proposal is acceptable. Fifth sister, this is my brother’s gift to you!”
Chi Ying smiled bitterly. In fact, she liked this third brother more. He was better than Chi Zhu in all aspects and knew how to share. But how can I put it, there is still a little bit left to achieve hegemony.
/I looked at the sky. “Whether Wang Meng is here or not, don’t bother bragging for him. He will turn out to be a coward, no, or perhaps, a smart man.”
Because no smart people will come.
This is the sky where a three-headed eagle of the abyss, blooming with darkness, landed on Chi Huang’s shoulder.
“Interesting, here he comes.”
Standing on the top of the hall, at a glance, you can see thousands of troops and countless trolls in the Demon City. And thousands of demon generals, this is the defensive force of the demon city, ensuring that the entrance to the abyss is safe.
This is a death place guarded by thousands of troops.
Chi Huang soared into the air and looked at a figure in the distance walking towards the Magic City.
My blood is boiling. I haven’t felt this way for a long time, let alone anything else. This courage alone is enough to fight him.
Wang Meng arrived at the Demon City and walked step by step towards the Demon City. On both sides of him were waves of monsters. Countless pairs of eyes were staring at him. Demonic flames were surging into the sky. The place had been transformed into something almost like an abyss. The demons here The power of the clan can be brought into full play.
Passing through the sea of ??monsters, there are rows of demon generals, filled with murderous intent.
Ordinary monks would probably have weak legs after such a round of spiritual training.
The nerves are too tense, and they may take action at the slightest movement.
But Wang Meng always smiled because he was really happy to see Hu Jing.
In this world, there is only one thing that Wang Meng cannot do, and that is to come back from the dead.
Otherwise, nothing can stop him.
It took him a moment to suppress the demonic nature in his heart, and the time was just right.
Chi Huang waved his hand, and the demon generals around him retreated, looking at Wang Meng seriously, “You are Wang Meng!”
Wang Meng smiled and said,

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