sted.” Wan Wuchang said.

sted.” Wan Wuchang said.

The Fire Emperor laughed and said, “There’s nothing I can do about it. This little girl has to gain experience.”
Wan Wuchang looked at Ji Jin’er and said, “This should be the tenth princess of Zhou Dynasty. It’s not bad.”
Wan Wuchang is also a master who has his eyes higher than his head. He thinks this evaluation is already very high.
“Who is she?” Wan Ming could no longer take his mind off Han Chuxue.
Wan Wuchang took a quick look and realized that there was only one person in the entire world of cultivation who could have such a temperament and appearance, Han Chuxue from the Soul Controlling Association.
This person must not be touched. Not to mention that the president of the Soul Controlling Association regards her as a descendant. Even the other two immortals are very optimistic about her. In this world, if you really offend the three associations, no matter who you are, you will die without a burial. land.
“We’ll talk about it later. Let’s deal with the golden wolf first.”
As soon as the golden wolf was mentioned, Wan Ming’s hatred rose, “Give me a breath, I will kill him with my own hands!”
“Don’t worry, his fate will be of great benefit to you. Maybe it can be improved to a higher level.” Samsara Immortal Lord smiled lovingly.
Wang Meng was very calm and waited for them to finish talking about their family affairs.
/“Jin Lang, you kid is so frightened that you are shaking all over today. Unfortunately, even if you kowtow ten thousand times today, you will still die!”
Wan Ming laughed wildly. On the one hand, it was his hatred for the Golden Wolf, and on the other hand, he wanted to show his domineering power in front of everyone.
“This kid is so annoying!” Zhang Yang pouted, not liking this type of person who pretends to be powerful but has no ability.
“A typical person who deserves a beating.” Yan Luoqi also said lightly, obviously not afraid of the Samsara Immortal Lord.
Others are more cautious when speaking. Although their families are powerful, they also have more worries. Samsara Immortal Lord is quite huge in terms of personal strength and influence in the world of cultivation.
In this battle, no one can help Golden Wolf.
Afraid? Trembling?
Wang Meng smiled. He had not heard such unfamiliar words for a long time. His body no longer responded to this feeling.
/Is there anything in this world that he can be afraid of? Samsara Immortal Lord looked at Jin Lang with a smile that seemed to be mocking.
“Send your name and it will be an honor for you to die in my hands.”
Wang Meng shook his head.
“Since you want to be an unknown ghost, I will make it happen for you.”
Samsara Immortal Lord was also very dissatisfied with this golden wolf’s neglect.
Everyone is looking at the two people. In fact, many people want to know who the golden wolf is.
At this time, Wang Meng stretched out a finger and shook it gently, “You are not worthy.”
Immediately, the entire audience was silent. He was so arrogant and arrogant that he almost regarded Samsara Immortal Lord as a cat

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