that he is not as professional and knowledgeable as he is.

that he is not as professional and knowledgeable as he is.

“Sixty-five million years ago? Are you talking about the Jurassic era of dinosaurs before the Ice Age on Earth? You won’t tell me that the original image of these East China Sea dragons is not the Oriental Shenlong but the large Deinosuchus or Tyrannosaurus rex, right? ?” Zhu Peng burst out with one word, scaring Jade Mirror Sanren to the point where his face turned green. He quickly looked around, and only after he found no detecting talisman did he let out a long breath.
/“·#¥%%—**Hey, don’t talk about the East China Sea Dragon Clan in a place like the East China Sea Dragon Palace. It’s none of your business what they are. Anyway, if I can, I don’t want to see any Donghai Dragon Clan in my life. Reveal your true form.” Zhu Peng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the nervous look on Jade Mirror Sanren’s face, “You raised this topic first, okay? And is it that scary? In other words, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is very taboo with outsiders talking about their origins. ?”
“That’s not the case.” Yujing Sanren rubbed his hair vigorously, and was really frightened by Zhu Peng’s blunt words just now.
“Well, how should I put it? The East China Sea Dragon Clan has a long heritage. It can even be said that the influence and interference of their clan will appear from time to time in the entire development history of the monk world. The East China Sea Dragon Court can be said to be the big brother force of the entire True Spirit Alliance, no matter how the outside world changes. , their clan’s strength and influence have never fallen out of the top three of the True Spirit Alliance. It can be said that their potential power is unfathomable. Their prestige in the entire cultivation world is not inferior to that of Kunlun Shushan, and their prestige in the True Spirit Circle is even greater. It’s stronger than you can imagine.”
/At this point, Jade Mirror Sanren suddenly pointed at the golden-armored warrior under the pavilion, and then said slowly: “The traditional arms of the East China Sea Dragon Palace are shrimp soldiers, crab generals, and turtle masters. Although they are generally only at the ninth level of Qi refining, once they are inspired to truly For spiritual bloodline, ordinary 11th and 12th level Qi Refining monks cannot defeat them. Their strength is not inferior to the seventy-four types of actual combat sect True Spirit Bloodline. However, bloodlines such as Shrimp Soldier, Crab General, and Master Turtle are not included in the Earth Star. In the true spirit system, do you know why?”
This is a deceptive habit of Jade Mirror San people, or erudite people all have this habit. Rather than telling you the answer directly, they prefer to inspire you to come up with the answer yourself. Of course, this habit is commonly known as: “Selling Guanzi”.
Zhu Peng raised his eyebrows helplessly, but still responded: “You can roughly guess the reason. It is because they are a subordinate bloodline of the East China Sea Dragon Cl

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