Zhang Jian couldn’t hide the joy in his heart.

Zhang Jian couldn’t hide the joy in his heart.

He used the wonderful method in “Tongshan Purity Nine Chapters” to look inside, and he could feel that his own extreme Yang spiritual power was extremely pure, without any impurities.
Zhang Jian opened his eyes, but his expression suddenly changed. He glanced around, and his sensitive spiritual thoughts made him vaguely aware of it at this moment. A moment later, he followed his eyes and landed on the Suolong Tower above the embankment.
The Suolong Tower was right on top of the dam. It was the most famous restaurant in Fengyang City. He could faintly feel eyes on him from the restaurant.
/But his expression did not move, as if he had not realized it. He just called a veteran beside him, and after a moment the veteran turned and left.
“Dalangjun, the guests have arrived!”
Zhang Jian didn’t wait long, and then he saw the waiting guests. A burly man in smart clothes walked into the pavilion soon. After seeing Zhang Jian, his face lit up and he said.
“He Xiong has met Da Langjun!”
Zhang Jian turned over and smiled slightly: “Brother He, you don’t have to stick to etiquette. We haven’t seen you for several years, but you are becoming more capable and have already bought a big fortune in the county!”
He Xiong didn’t even dare, but he was still secretly surprised when he saw this gentle and jade-like eldest son of the Zhang family. This eldest son of the Zhang family was more easy-going than the rumors said, but his eyes were quite intimidating. Why did he always feel that those eyes were so sharp that he didn’t dare to look down upon them.
Zhang Jian nodded, and then asked He Xiong to help introduce the situation in the first and second counties.
This was also Zhang Jian’s intention in calling He Xiong here.
He Xiong is a chess piece that the Zhang family infiltrated into the county. He is also a quite effective body-building warrior. The Qingzhu Gang he founded is small in scale. Although it is not as large as the Sanhe Gang, it is also small. Influence.
As the two of them answered questions and answers, Zhang Jian gradually got a clearer and more complete impression of the situation in the county. Since he had arrived here, he naturally had to be prepared to avoid being caught off guard and get involved in some kind of inexplicable trouble. middle.
This is also the awareness that the future head of a big family should have.
This is what Zhang Yi has taught since childhood.
That kind of provoking the enemy without knowing it at all is called a unnecessary loss.
It would be nice to have less trial and error costs.
Zhang Jian listened with interest to the many gossips in the county, especially some of the rumors about the Qi family.
In addition, he also had a deep understanding of the relationship between the Zhang family and the Qi family. The old man of the Qi family did not want to marry the Zhang Qi family to the Zhang family.
To a certain extent, their old man used some dishonorable means, which finally forced the Qi family to hold their noses and descen

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