nes in Jubao Cave were not more advanced than the mechanical iron fire giants they sold to Zhu Peng, but Jubao Cave only sold puppets. The drawings of the main body , but Zhu Peng was not given the corresponding puppet accessories. It was as if only the tank drawings were sold but not the same type of artillery shells that matched them.

nes in Jubao Cave were not more advanced than the mechanical iron fire giants they sold to Zhu Peng, but Jubao Cave only sold puppets. The drawings of the main body , but Zhu Peng was not given the corresponding puppet accessories. It was as if only the tank drawings were sold but not the same type of artillery shells that matched them.

Needless to say, the two hundred puppet fire giants now appearing in front of Zhu Peng’s eyes are covered in flames and burning with spiritual fire. This is the functional effect of the passive skill.
/What is really terrifying is the equipment of the two hundred efreet puppets, the thick armor and iron armor full of weird and crazy flame textures, the two rectangular giant hammers in the hands that are close to the size of the efreet’s chest, and even the head. On the machine, these puppet machines also wear strangely shaped heavy iron helmets. After seeing this, Zhu Peng didn’t want to vomit anymore. The combat effectiveness of the Iron Fire Giant puppet with this equipment and without this equipment is probably about five to seven times different. In other words, Zhu Peng’s Xue Po Ridge’s combat effectiveness is about five to seven times. Only five to seven efreets that could be produced could barely defeat one fully armed efreet from the other side. The difference in combat power was huge.
The opponent set up a huge array of blazing giant mechanical iron puppets, which shocked many people on the spot. Fortunately, when the Qi Lie ancestor saw the situation, he directly threw out a gold-red mirror covered with light golden scales from his sleeves. This first-level fire-attributed treasure mirror shot straight up to the sky, and under the control of Qi Lie Ancestor’s true energy, it suddenly turned into countless layers of golden mirror shadows. They reflected the last ray of brilliance of the setting sun. In a dazed moment, everyone present clearly felt that the “sky” had turned dark. The next moment, the hundreds of pale gold mirror shadows shrouded in the sky suddenly shone brightly, and countless gold and red sharp fire darts that looked like fish scales were shot out, directly covering the two hundred people below. Armed mechs and fire djinn battle array.
/With just one move, the Golden Scale Fiery Mirror showed its terrifying lethality as a treasure. There were two hundred puppet efreets that were roughly equivalent to mid-level and near-high-level spiritual weapons. Although there was no master to control them, their combat power was extremely reduced. Large, but the weapon itself means a certain degree of independent combat capability. If we only calculate it from cold and hard numerical values, a spiritual level puppet controlled by an expert can be used by half a foundation-building level expert. It can form a very terrifying combat power suppression for lower-level monks, because the attack power of ordinary cultivators is weaker than that of spiritual weapons. It is difficult to break through the defense, especially for such a large war weapon, which is heavily equippe

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