lity memory world, calmly opened the Taoist classics passed down from Yingzhou in front of him.

lity memory world, calmly opened the Taoist classics passed down from Yingzhou in front of him.

For the first time, I realized that the first impression is extremely important. It is absolutely necessary for Zhu Peng to read the classics so solemnly. With a light touch of inspiration, the jade slip was slowly moved to the center of the eyebrow by Zhu Peng. In a flash of inspiration, a large amount of information It came to Zhu Peng’s mind that if we were to count the number of words, these information would be enough for a person with an average reading speed to read for more than fifty years.
Only something like a jade introduction can pass down the information of the esoteric classics intact. Of course, if you have an expert who is willing to directly absorb the information into your brain with spiritual thoughts, the effect will be better.
“No one is without me, and my heart is inseparable from me.”
/Zhu Peng held the jade introduction of “The Secret of Health Preservation” and fell into a long period of meditation practice.
At the same time, in the real world, there is the Blood Soul Ridge Retreat. The seven-color strange light connecting Zhu Peng and Bai Ling’s eyebrows suddenly became thicker and clearer, and the amount of information originally communicated suddenly increased tenfold or a hundredfold. Zhu Peng, who was reading Taoist classics in that virtual memory, also made people in the real world Zhu Peng is also reading the same classics.
The memory of that Songshan sword cultivator is in tatters, so the memory of the entire “world” is almost filled up by Zhu Peng’s main consciousness. Su Yu is like this, Su Mei is like this, and the blood clan in Hanfeng City is like this. The same is true. All of this is just a “world background” deliberately created by Zhu Peng in order to connect the memory of the Songshan sword cultivator. The memory of the Songshan sword cultivator can at most provide a small amount of information such as the background of the era and place names.
But the Taoist skills are different. Zhu Peng really can’t compile this one, and there is no need to compile it, because as a monk, powerful skills that are deeply impressive are the things that are least likely to be forgotten in this life.
The same is true for the Songshan sword cultivator. After being frozen in ice for hundreds of years, his entire memory chain was so damaged that he had forgotten everything about his wife and children. He didn’t even remember his name clearly. He only had swordsmanship experience. The skills and techniques practiced are memories that will never be forgotten and worn out. Because hundreds of years of practice and tempering, these memories have been deeply engraved in his bones, especially the cultivation techniques, such high, precise and sharp things, as long as one word is wrong, it is very likely that the brain will be broken. Stroke plus hemiplegia.
Therefore, Zhu Peng adjusted his memory and deduced the “plot” to the time when the ancient sword cultivator practiced Taoist skills. He was fac

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