Peng took a long breath. It had already reached such an extent. With Su Yu’s pride, it was obvious that he would not take advantage of him midway.

Peng took a long breath. It had already reached such an extent. With Su Yu’s pride, it was obvious that he would not take advantage of him midway.

Just when Zhu Peng took a breath, a cold sword edge was already on the side of Zhu Peng’s neck.
Chapter 082 Shura Calabash, Calabash Baby
/A voice so cold that it dropped to ice whispered softly behind Zhu Peng: “Say, you didn’t see anything just now.”
Even though it was a soft-spoken voice, Zhu Peng could still keenly feel a hint of real murderous aura from it. It seems that this sword-loving girl, who is usually as cold as a plum and as clean as snow, really cares about this. , just someone glanced at their underwear unintentionally, and already the three corpses jumped up and drew their swords out of their sheaths, intending to kill people.
If it were a girl from the same secular world, she wouldn’t care about this. If they have nothing to do, they have to wear short clothes and go to the streets to murder men’s eyeballs. Not to mention looking at them, as long as the person is suitable and the income is moderate, they hardly care about looking at or having sex with them.
He stretched out one hand and pushed away the Senhan sword from his neck little by little. Even though he had the blessing of the body’s true energy, it was definitely not a pleasant feeling to have someone’s sword across his neck. What’s more, Zhu Peng was particularly taboo about this. .
Turning around, his face looked inexplicably innocent. He had obviously looked sleazy and proud just now, but in the blink of an eye, Zhu Peng had switched to an upright and clean template state, and his face changed instantly. This is a skill from psychology to physiology. It requires in-depth training of advanced knowledge, and ordinary monks will never be able to do this.
“Senior Sister Su, what do you mean? I was in a hurry to get the treasure just now, so I didn’t say hello to Senior Sister Su. Peng apologizes here. Please forgive me for the rudeness just now.” As he spoke, Zhu Peng gave a deep The next gift, that kind of sincerity and decent etiquette, makes people feel comfortable and can’t fault it at all. It can be said to be a pleasure to the eyes.
It’s just that Su Yu obviously doesn’t have such thoughts. She wants to speak, but doesn’t know what to say. Although Zhu Peng’s face-changing skills are amazing, and his acting skills are also top-notch. But Su Yu’s heart has been closely connected with the sword since he was a child, and his keen intuition has been honed by the sharp sword’s will to become extremely transparent. The sword’s transparent sensing intuition is almost ridiculously accurate.
She vaguely felt that Zhu Peng must have seen something just now, and maybe she was secretly happy in her heart, but she was embarrassed to speak out about this kind of thing. She was immersed in swordsmanship practice, and in many ways, she was as clean as a blank sheet of paper. , but she was too outstanding and too strong among the Blood Clan, so almost no one noticed her temperament.
After she was i

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