

The giant ship did not land directly in Hanshan City as most of the monks in Hanshan thought. Under Zhu Peng’s order, the blood elites, who were full of energy and high in morale, drove the large airship directly to the middle of the Zerg and Wild Beast troops.
Blood Soul Ridge has fought with these Zerg and desolate beasts tens of millions of times. The skilled monks were completely free of nervousness and stage fright. Under Zhu Peng’s clear military orders, they directly cut off the middle section of the alien troops attacking Hanshan City.
/Thick and long gun barrels appeared one after another below the large transport ship. “Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!” explosions and cannon fire. Huge metal meteors burning with terrifying high temperatures bombarded down one by one.
As a monk, it is of course impossible to use pure metal cannonballs that are rarely used by mortals. The metal balls shrouded in flames and burning at astonishingly high temperatures hit the ground heavily, crushing countless Zerg and wild beasts to death along the way. , suddenly turned over and stretched out its huge metal arms and head, like a ferocious Transformer. In the silent roar, he used his iron arms to beat one creature after another into flesh and blood.
The large metal balls bombarded by the transport ship are all spiritual weapon-level puppet war beasts mass-produced by Blood Soul Ridge in recent years: “Mecha-Iron Giant Spirit”.
It’s just that they are different from normal pure puppets. Each mecha-iron puppet beast is controlled by a mortal whose spiritual potential has been stimulated. This allows them to not only give full play to their due combat power, but also to control the control of the controller. They formed a military formation with the utmost confidence, and their offense and defense were orderly. Even under the siege of countless zerg and wild beasts, they could still advance and retreat freely, and even kill wantonly.
Blood Soul Ridge’s “first-level support” requires at least 300 elites at the ninth level of Qi Refining to come out, but in other places, it is easy to say that Blood Soul Ridge has accumulated over the years to provide 300 practitioners at the ninth level of Qi Refining. Well, this is no longer the Dharma-ending era.
/But only Hanshanyuan is different. The terrain here is special. The true energy cultivation of cultivators here will be reduced to a considerable extent. Even if Zhu Peng arranges it properly and allows them to adapt to it in mid-air for a period of time, it still cannot completely solve the problem. Therefore, Zhu Peng dispatched his army of mechanical giant spirits whose combat power was not affected by the true essence. This time, the 300 elite combat power came out. In addition to the combat power of only one hundred cultivators, the remaining two hundred They were all made up by the Mechatron Djinn Corps.
Of course, in order to prevent the Hanshan Courtyard from gossiping, Zhu Peng personally sat in and brought along Qin Yue to h

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