ngineering team for a year, and his wife complained to him about how the neighbors bullied her in the past year. The homestead has become smaller, and the ridges of the fields have been dug up for responsible fields. It was occupied, and a lot of autumn silkworms died. It must be caused by the pesticide used by the neighbor. The man has a soft ear and believes it to be true. He gets angry when he hears it. He wants to run over to argue but is afraid of suffering a loss in a fight. There are many brothers, and his family members can’t beat him. See. A few brothers were playing cards, so they called the police to report gambling based on the phone number on the ‘Police Alert’. The instructor and I ran over and saw that they were playing cards with 80 points.”

ngineering team for a year, and his wife complained to him about how the neighbors bullied her in the past year. The homestead has become smaller, and the ridges of the fields have been dug up for responsible fields. It was occupied, and a lot of autumn silkworms died. It must be caused by the pesticide used by the neighbor. The man has a soft ear and believes it to be true. He gets angry when he hears it. He wants to run over to argue but is afraid of suffering a loss in a fight. There are many brothers, and his family members can’t beat him. See. A few brothers were playing cards, so they called the police to report gambling based on the phone number on the ‘Police Alert’. The instructor and I ran over and saw that they were playing cards with 80 points.”

ngineering team for a year, and his wife complained to him about how the neighbors bullied her in the past year. The homestead has become smaller, and the ridges of the fields have been dug up for responsible fields. It was occupied, and a lot of autumn silkworms died. It must be caused by the pesticide used by the neighbor. The man has a soft ear and believes it to be true. He gets angry when he hears it. He wants to run over to argue but is afraid of suffering a loss in a fight. There are many brothers, and his family members can’t beat him. See. A few brothers were playing cards, so they called the police to report gambling based on the phone number on the ‘Police Alert’. The instructor and I ran over and saw that they were playing cards with 80 points.”
Wang Yan couldn’t help but asked, “What happened next?”
“He didn’t Knowing that we had caller ID, I thought I had reported a fake name so I didn’t know it was him. Considering that New Year’s Eve should be a family time to have fun, and going to him directly would intensify conflicts between neighbors. It wasn’t until early this morning that Lao Mi went to his house under the pretext of visiting his house for New Year greetings. After understanding the situation, I talked with him and told him that it was wrong to report a false police report.”
This kind of thing is not new. Many people call 110 instead of calling the police station to report a false police report.
Wang Yan was not surprised and asked the last question: “What happened to the rescue?”
“A villager in Liunan Group 2 drank too much and was very afraid of people. He lay on the ground unable to move and had difficulty breathing. The family was frightened and wanted to beat him. 120 also felt unreliable. It was too far away, and water from far away could not quench my thirst. So I called us. Xiao Dan drove an off-road vehicle and sent the person to the hospital for rescue.” “Has anyone been
/“I asked just now. , it’s nothing serious. Speaking of which, we are not too busy. The doctors and nurses on duty at the health center were busy, and they didn’t stop at all that night. Some people were injured while setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and some drank too much. They were rushing home to have New Year’s Eve dinner and fell on their motorcycles. Those who somersault are all in the emergency room.”
After answering the call from my colleague, Call your parents who are far away in Donghai, call Vice Mayor Hou, Director Zhang, Political Commissar Yuan, Director Ji, Mr. Ding, Mr. Qian and other new and old unit leaders, call your relatives back home in Sihe, and call those with contact information My classmates called me, and I was busy making and answering calls all morning.
After lunch, continue patrolling.
The common people stayed at home on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and only started to visit relatives to pay New Year greetings on the second day of the Lunar New Year. The roads were still deserted and empty of people.
Last year, Zhou Zheng was given 30,0

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