brought back, and taxes must be paid. “It’s not impossible to pay taxes, but after paying taxes, there won’t be much left. The gallery industry was already struggling, and now it’s facing the dilemma of going abroad.”

brought back, and taxes must be paid. “It’s not impossible to pay taxes, but after paying taxes, there won’t be much left. The gallery industry was already struggling, and now it’s facing the dilemma of going abroad.”

brought back, and taxes must be paid. “It’s not impossible to pay taxes, but after paying taxes, there won’t be much left. The gallery industry was already struggling, and now it’s facing the dilemma of going abroad.”
Chen Yulin became more and more depressed, and continued: “It’s not just our gallery industry, the auction industry and art trusts are also affected. Anyway, this tax audit is not that simple. It is said that several bankers were investigated, and the vice president of a bank was arrested, not from the branch, but from the head office!” For ordinary
people, art Goods are luxury accessories, which are far away from your own life. Even Li Xiaolei doesn’t pay attention to these. She knows nothing about the ongoing art tax audit storm and is even suspicious of it.
In fact, the female gallery owner is not an alarmist.
The ongoing art tax audit is like a bombshell, and its depth and scope exceed many people’s expectations. Only practitioners in the art circle feel the impact of this incident on the future art market, believing that this is likely to be the beginning of a new round of reshuffle in the art market.
The impact is mainly reflected in three aspects. First, it directly affects several major art institutions that are in danger of exiting the market, and the amount of these institutions operating the art market exceeds 1 billion yuan; second, the tax issue will definitely seriously affect the circulation of art works in the mainland, Hong Kong and abroad. , high taxes force them to re-examine market risks;
third, tax issues have made the entire art circle aware of danger, making tax-evading artists and institutions panic all day long, and they have to intervene in the market cautiously.
After choosing three calligraphy and paintings and leaving them to eat, they insisted on leaving, so Li Xiaolei sent Chen Yulin downstairs.
After seeing off the guests and going back upstairs, I couldn’t believe that Chen Yulin’s gallery was going to close down until dinner. I raised my chopsticks and asked, “Husband, in the tax audit storm, even the vice president of the Agricultural Bank of China was arrested. Is it true or not?”
“It can’t be fake.”
“You know?”
“I’ve heard of some.”
This is not a secret, it’s just that people outside the circle don’t care or pay attention. Han Bo simply put down his bowl and chopsticks and explained: “You won’t believe it if I tell you. The art market is in such chaos because there are three big dealers making trouble in the market. You should have heard of one of them and have an impression.” ”
Who?” Li Xiaolei asked curiously.
I attended an auction last year and studied how a work of art can achieve a sky-high price.
Li Xiaolei suddenly remembered and couldn’t help blurting out: “”The Pillar Inscription”!”
/“It’s that calligraphy. In June 2010, the Northern Song Dynasty Huang Tingjian’s calligraphy work “The Pillar Inscription” was sold at the Beijing Libao Spring Auction Night Sale, with a hammer price. 390 million, including the commission, the tot

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