s, obtaining land from the village at a low price, and then raising funds to build houses. The entire small property rights “The real estate industry is involved in almost the entire process.” “

s, obtaining land from the village at a low price, and then raising funds to build houses. The entire small property rights “The real estate industry is involved in almost the entire process.” “

s, obtaining land from the village at a low price, and then raising funds to build houses. The entire small property rights “The real estate industry is involved in almost the entire process.” ”
From what we know, the gang is engaged in a variety of illegal crimes such as intentional injury, mass fights, drug trafficking and gambling, organizing women for prostitution, extortion, forced transactions, etc., and the criminal cases involved may amount to hundreds of Since then, there are various signs that it has even been involved in several murders!”
“In this gang, Wu Chendong is the leader, the hierarchy is clear, and there are hundreds of members, forming a five-level pyramid organizational structure. It has formulated clear gang rules internally. Violators will be severely punished, and they will carry out illegal and criminal activities under the banner of “Sha Jing Xin Ngee Ann” externally. The sphere of influence is divided according to the key personnel, and their respective activities are stipulated not to cross the boundary.”
“They not only donate money to the sick gang members, but also arrange jobs and hire employees for the gang members. Gang members committed crimes, provided living allowances to the families of arrested gang members, gave gifts and bribes to state officials, etc., and even helped gang members suspected of committing crimes to escape.” ”
Although Wu Chendong is quite low-key, as the gang expands, It has become difficult for them to control the behavior of hundreds of horsemen. In the words of one of the people involved in the case that we secretly captured, “Brother Long values ??peace. He has been settling conflicts between various factions and tried his best to avoid killing people, but his tactics There are more and more young people down there, and he can’t control them at all.'”
Zhen responded. If he wants to destroy him, he must first make him crazy!
There is no doubt that this gang has gone crazy. The frequent shootings and murders in Shajing in the past two years are constantly challenging the tolerance of the public security organs and society. If we don’t kill them and let them perish, what’s the law of heaven?
Thinking that this gang has a large number of people and strong economic strength. It participates in the operation of more than ten companies, hotels and entertainment venues, owns multiple properties and a fleet of luxury cars. Han Bo muttered: “Either we don’t fight, or we fight and we will catch them all.” It was uprooted.”
/“The superiors asked for it, and we considered it this way.”
“Is the case-handling force sufficient?”
“Not enough, it can be said to be seriously insufficient.” ”
Does Bureau Wang know?”
“It has been reported, and more than once. Although the problem has not been solved, Bureau Wang also has the same difficulties as Bureau Wang. The Municipal Bureau requested to conduct a large-scale criminal investigation and asked our Criminal Investigation Bureau to send police officers to the brother units to work together. The newly for

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