

“I don’t have much understanding. , I can’t understand the true words of Buddhism,” Ji Zheng said sincerely: “I have only realized one truth during this period. From now on, as long as we do what you tell me to do, Mr. Wen, I will never discount it, no matter what. It’s all done. I hope Mr. Wen can give me another chance, the last time!”
/Wen Liang looked at him quietly for a while, smiled slightly, and said, “You know about the emerging chemical plant in Guanshan, right?” ”
It’s related to He Xihua. That Xinxing Factory you are related to? I know a little bit about it!”
“Starting tomorrow, you will go to Guanshan to serve as the director of Xinxing Factory.”
Ji Zheng was shocked, but nodded without hesitation and said, “I understand!”
“No, You don’t understand,” Wen Liang said with a smile: “You must be wondering in your heart, hasn’t He Xihua always been at odds with my father? How can we arrange for you to be the director of Xinxing Factory? Right?”
Ji Zheng said awkwardly: “Me too I just heard some rumors, I can’t count them.” ”
This is not a rumor. He Xihua did help Gu Shitong suppress us, but there are no eternal enemies in the world. It just so happened that I took a fancy to Xinxing Factory, and he was eager to sell it. Naturally, we hit it off, and no one else I won’t fight against interests!”
Ji Zheng opened his mouth to speak but hesitated. After this period of cold treatment, he gradually corrected his position. There were some things he didn’t know whether to say or not. Wen Liang pointed to the fried dough sticks on the plate and motioned for him to eat some too, instead of just drinking soy milk, and said: “Director Ji, I’m not that scary. Since I’m willing to use you, I’ll do it with confidence. You don’t have to overdo it or be timid. That would be more beneficial.” It is not conducive to carrying out work. If you have any problems, just ask them directly. I will listen and I will do what you say if it makes sense. If we have differences, we will continue to discuss it. You must be focused”Master Wen, the main chemical product of Xinxing Factory is PAM water purifier. Its user group is targeted at large sewage discharge companies. But you also know the current situation in the country. No matter whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, they do not take sewage treatment seriously. Really? According to the standards set by the environmental protection department, 80% of companies must close down. This is determined by the national situation and the general trend, and will not be changed by human will at all. If you want to spend money to acquire emerging factories, you must consider this aspect carefully, otherwise no matter what It is difficult to innovate the management mechanism and reform the production and sales model.” The discipline stopped abruptly, feeling extremely uneasy. He used the fried dough sticks as a cover up and quietly looked at Wen Liang’s expression. His words were really well-intentioned, but the frightened bird, fearing that he migh

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