reabouts that night. Comparison of blood samples of men between the ages of 35 and 35.”

reabouts that night. Comparison of blood samples of men between the ages of 35 and 35.”

reabouts that night. Comparison of blood samples of men between the ages of 35 and 35.”
The county leaders demanded that the case be solved “at all costs”. The key point is that the “price” is too high. If hundreds more people are tested and none of them are found, more than 100,000 or 200,000 will be wasted. .
Zhang Baoli frowned and said, “As long as we can solve the case, it doesn’t matter if we spend more money. The key city bureau’s DNA laboratory has just been established, and the technology is not very mature. I really don’t know whether the test results are accurate.”
The murderer was left at the scene . It was a very ordinary cotton gauze glove, a labor protection product, almost every household had one, and one family even had several pairs. It was difficult to find the murderer through the gloves.
Jin Yang knew that this was too exaggerated, and there was no better way, so he said eagerly: “Zhang Ju, you know this person ‘Han Chong’, despite his young age, he is actually very stable. There should be no problem if he tests it himself. And the equipment of the municipal bureau is said to be the most advanced.”
The municipal bureau only charges the cost. If you send it to other units for inspection to make money, the “price” you have to pay will be even greater.
Zhang Baoli weighed it up, clenched his fists and said, “If you don’t want to let the child catch the wolf, just do what you just said, move quickly, be efficient, and don’t waste any more time.” ”
At the same time, Deputy Tang The director and Deputy Director Cui are reporting to Bureau Chen at the Municipal Party Committee.
Since being appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee and Director of Public Security, Director Chen has moved to the Municipal Party Committee to work and rarely returns to the bureau.
After talking about several important matters, Bureau Chen put down the documents he had just signed and asked: “Old Cui, is there any progress in the December 22 case?”
“Comrade Guoqiang came back yesterday. There is no progress in the investigation work for the time being.”
/“He and Dr. Tian have been taking turns testing the blood samples of suspects sent to Donggang for several days. Before I came, I went to the technical brigade. He was on night shift and had just returned from the laboratory. Come out. I stayed up all night without taking a break. I went to the medical school with an incubator containing test materials, as if I wanted to borrow someone else’s laboratory to do some experiments.” “It takes
time to cultivate talents, and no one can do it in person for the time being.”
There are only a few days left in 2001 . The occurrence of a murder case that killed two people directly affected Nangang City’s homicide detection rate in 2001. Moreover, it was a mother and her son who died, and the impact was too bad.
“Comrade Guoqiang is back, which means that he can’t provide much help in Donggang. What is Xiao Han

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