inlou Street, he was delayed on the road for a while. When it was almost noon when he arrived at Minghua, he spent a long time with the old man at the door to make him believe that he came to the school to find someone. Sister, instead of preparing for a group fight. When I arrived in the classroom, I couldn’t find anyone. I was led down to the cafeteria by an enthusiastic male classmate, but I happened to hear Tang Xin’s last vicious words.

inlou Street, he was delayed on the road for a while. When it was almost noon when he arrived at Minghua, he spent a long time with the old man at the door to make him believe that he came to the school to find someone. Sister, instead of preparing for a group fight. When I arrived in the classroom, I couldn’t find anyone. I was led down to the cafeteria by an enthusiastic male classmate, but I happened to hear Tang Xin’s last vicious words.

inlou Street, he was delayed on the road for a while. When it was almost noon when he arrived at Minghua, he spent a long time with the old man at the door to make him believe that he came to the school to find someone. Sister, instead of preparing for a group fight. When I arrived in the classroom, I couldn’t find anyone. I was led down to the cafeteria by an enthusiastic male classmate, but I happened to hear Tang Xin’s last vicious words.
Even though he is a gentle person, he also knows that no matter whether junior high school students fight or curse at this time, they have not tarnished Qingzhou’s folk customs at all, but he still can’t believe that an eleven or twelve-year-old girl can bully another person so fiercely in front of everyone. A little girl.
/For a moment, Li Siqing turned around to leave, but Tang Xin made a move to hurt someone. Wen Liang stepped behind him and smashed the stainless steel bowl filled with food.
He turned around and saw the lunch box in Li Siqing’s hand, and felt a sudden pain in his heart. With simple food, simple clothes, and a fragile body, how did Li Shengli raise his daughter?
Wen Liang gently stroked her hair, with infinite tenderness and pity in his eyes, and whispered: “It’s my brother’s fault that I didn’t know. You were not happy in school.” ”
/No, I’m fine.” , Really!” Li Siqing raised his head and grabbed Wen Liang’s clothes with both hands, “Brother, why are you here today?”
Just when Wen Liang was about to speak, Tang Xin pointed at him and shouted: “You are going to die, please forgive me. Li Siqing, I have to go to the teacher to sue you.”
Naturally, Wen Liang didn’t care too much about the little girl. He took Li Siqing’s hand and said with a smile, “Let’s go together, I have to talk to your teacher too!”
The director of the Political and Education Department’s surname was Song, Li Siqing was greeted by Zuo Yuxi when she entered Minghua. Director Song knew about this and apologized to Wen Liang sincerely. However, seeing that Tang Xin had already called her parents in tears, he pulled Wen Liang aside and said, “It’s okay for children to play, but Director Tang is a bit protective of his shortcomings. You have to be mentally prepared. It’s best to let him Sir, come here.”
Wen Liang claimed to be Li Siqing’s brother, and he looked a little older than he actually was, so Director Song also treated him as an adult. But now that the matter has risen to the level of “fighting for fatherhood”, Wen Liang’s age is obviously not favored by him.
“Director? Which office?”
“Director Tang from the North District Industrial and Commercial Office. There are many roads in the city. I would like to advise my brother.”
Wen Liang waved his hand and said with a smile, “Thank you, Director Song. Siqing will be here from now on.” The school has to trouble you to take care of it. I will take care of it with Director Tang and won’t embarrass you.”
Director Song smiled like a flower: “You should, you should. If you have time to have a drink with your brother, I will

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