man, David’s basic long sword skills were like the difference between a child and an adult.

man, David’s basic long sword skills were like the difference between a child and an adult.

It is precisely because of the introduction of basic long sword skills, although it is only 5% entry-level, that makes it easier for David to accept it.
This is different from the other combat abilities he learned before, which he learned from scratch.
David was fascinated by the basic long sword skills practiced by this man. His mastery of the long sword improved rapidly from the entry-level 5%.
After practicing the basic long sword skills, this man’s enemy became the Zerg. His sword became more powerful, and every sword was extremely lethal.
David combined the four knowledge light spheres of war hammer, heavy axe, shield and sniper. Apart from sniper warriors, he has never met a warrior who can single-handedly kill a level 1 Zerg.
/But this time, the long sword warrior continued to use fast and light swordsmanship in the battle, constantly adding wounds to the body of the hunter mantis in front of him.
Although Hunter Mantis is only relatively weak among the first-level Zerg, it is still a first-level Zerg. Generally, it requires the cooperation of multiple soldiers to deal with the first-level Zerg.
As the hunter mantis suffered more and more wounds, its speed became slower and slower. However, the sword warrior was not in a hurry and still only used his skills to slowly grind the hunter mantis.
The long sword warrior is like an experienced old hunter, without anxiety or panic. The long sword in his hand is like a gust of wind. Every time it blows from the hunter mantis, it will bring out green blood.
David got relevant knowledge from the long sword warriors. Facing the Zerg, the long sword could only wander around. The long sword was not a heavy weapon and could not cause heavy damage and produce a repulsive effect at the same time.
In other words, when the long sword hits the hunter mantis, it must take into account the hunter mantis’s counterattack, but the elephant warhammer is different. As long as it hits, it will inevitably bring about the unique knockback effect of heavy weapons, so that the Zerg cannot immediately fight back.
This is also the reason why the long sword warrior only continuously hurts the hunter mantis without seriously damaging its weakness. Before he is sure of killing, and without the cooperation of his companions, rushing to take action will put himself in danger.
In the end, the long sword pierced the heart of the hunter mantis. At this time, the green blood of the hunter mantis was almost bleeding, and the insect shells all over the body were broken.
David also understood the tenacity of the Zerg’s vitality through this time, and this was just a hunter mantis.
Next, the enemy of the long sword warrior became other first-level Zerg, but the long sword warrior still killed each first-level Zerg through a long period of consumption.
In this process, David clearly felt the growth of the Long Sword Warrior. The Long Sword Warrior was always alone and never joined forces with others, u

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