ving fewer people is high efficiency. The senior leadership of the expeditionary force, composed of the five corps commanders, the coach and the deputy commander, quickly gathered together.

ving fewer people is high efficiency. The senior leadership of the expeditionary force, composed of the five corps commanders, the coach and the deputy commander, quickly gathered together.

The latest information about the orc army has also been passed on. The enemy’s strength has increased from tens of thousands at the beginning to tens of thousands, to be precise, between 30,000 and 50,000.
As for the specific number of people, then don’t make it difficult for the scouting cavalry. The orcs were marching in a chaotic scene, and we could estimate a rough number. They were all veterans with rich investigation experience.
/The range is a little wider, because the people below are serious and responsible about their work, and they are afraid of misleading the commander.
“Your Highness, our marching route is about to change. If we continue to advance along the original path, we will soon collide with this orc army.
The ordinary orc army is nothing to worry about. The key is that according to the intelligence detected, there are a large number of Beamon cavalry in the enemy army.
Although our army has an advantage in terms of strength, we may not be able to gain any advantage against the Behemoth Cavalry in a field battle.
If the war reaches a stalemate and the troops of the other four royal families of the orcs come to reinforce, it will be in big trouble. ”
Count Jose said cautiously.
As the deputy commander of the expeditionary force, his most important task is not to make great achievements, but to safely bring Crown Prince Caesar back.
As the most orthodox heir of the Alpha Kingdom, the value of Crown Prince Caesar’s safe return is more important than any achievement.
As guest troops, they were just here to help out, and there was no need to work too hard.
According to his original intention, Crown Prince Caesar could just stay behind and coordinate remotely. It would be most perfect if the frontline matters were left to the freedom of several regiment commanders.
If the battle is won, the military merit must go to the commander; if the battle is lost, whoever commanded it will naturally be responsible.
“Your Excellency, you are too cautious.
The five major royal families of the orcs are in charge of their own affairs, and the Behemoth family has always been strong. If they have the chance to see them suffer misfortune, it will be too late for all the families to be happy.
Even if they reach a compromise and actually send troops to rescue, they will be passive and slow down.
According to the intelligence collected, there are only two legions of Beamon’s troops entering the Principality of Moxi. They also have to guard against the defenders on the front line cutting off their retreat. The most they can send out is one legion.
There had been several major battles some time ago, and both legions were now under-manned, with only eight or nine thousand men at most.
The expeditionary force of the Duke of Auton is now only twenty miles away from us; the expeditionary force of the Duke of Ruilin is only mo

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