ad enough experience to deal with such a scene, smiling. He nodded happily to a person in the middle of the four rows: “This lady in red.”

ad enough experience to deal with such a scene, smiling. He nodded happily to a person in the middle of the four rows: “This lady in red.”

ad enough experience to deal with such a scene, smiling. He nodded happily to a person in the middle of the four rows: “This lady in red.”
“Hello, I am a reporter from Beijing Times. May I ask Mr. Fan, aren’t you the boss of Phoenix Bird? Why are you here? “Home” she looked at the information in her hand and said: “Bencao Ruolan Health Products Co., Ltd.? Also, we all know that during this signing ceremony, Phoenix Bird invited many media friends. Are the two companies related? ? In the future, will your main focus be on Materia Medica Ruolan or Phoenix Bird?” ”
Other people don’t show off their hawks when they see a rabbit, but this lady shows off her hawks when she sees a rabbit. She agreed on a problem, but… I asked three questions in a row, but everyone knows that I am not a petty person, so I just answered them all.” There
was a burst of friendly laughter from the audience, and even the female reporter who asked the question laughed. During this period, Fan Bo The good character accumulated day by day is evident. But objectively speaking, Fan Bo seems to be born for such occasions. Most people will feel nervous when faced with a dark scene, but he can use his 70% charm to 10%. The bigger the occasion, the more attractive he is. It is an anomaly to be able to express yourself freely!
“Let’s put it this way, I may have a deeper feeling for the phoenix bird than anyone else, but life is about constantly climbing one mountain after another. The scenery here is good, but maybe the scenery over there is better, so I come here When I come to Materia Medica Ruolan, I hope that together with the majority of friends from the media, I can witness another miracle no less than the Phoenix Bird in the near future!”
/These words were false and true, and seemed to answer the female reporter’s question, but there seemed to be nothing. He said, but reporters have experienced too many of the same things and don’t take it seriously. Anyway, the questions are asked and they are answered. How to extract content that is in the interests of this newspaper from the answers is a matter of opinion.
“I am a reporter from CCTV and I want to ask Mr. Fan an important question.”
A male reporter stood up without waiting for anyone to be called. Miao Qingyan’s face changed and she whispered: “Why is it him? Lu Chan, it’s you Did you notify him to come?”
Lu Jian hesitated, not daring to look at Miao Qingyan’s face, and said, “I just mentioned it to him yesterday, but I didn’t expect him to actually come.”
“You, you,” Miao Qing His face was filled with anger and he said: “What do you want me to say? Didn’t I tell you not to associate with him anymore? Why are you disobedient?”
/Lu Min pressed his lips tightly, delicate and stubborn. This look left Miao Qingyan with nowhere to vent her anger. Various complex expressions flashed through her eyes, and finally turned into a sigh, saying: “Well, everyone has their own ambitions, go with it!”
Miao Qingyan sat down slumped. On the chair, that night, it took a lot of effort to get We

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