rought by one satellite.

rought by one satellite.

rought by one satellite.
“Oh God! The probability is infinitely close to 0, but he actually succeeded. This kind of luck is like buying a lottery ticket! This is a courtesy from God or a provocation from God! No matter what it is, you Nothing can escape my grasp!” Isaacs almost pressed his eyes to the screen.
On the screen, Yin Kuang has already launched an attack on those mutated T monsters!
/Isaacs saw that as soon as Yin Kuang’s figure flashed, a “Slasher” was split into two pieces.
“Have the results been released by the statistics office?” Isaacs asked.
The childish voice of the “White Queen” rang out and said: “All 15 ‘Slashers’ died. The time taken was 4 minutes and 52 seconds. It is initially estimated that his strength is five times that of the tyrant. The comprehensive combat value is around 25 points. .” Isaacs took a slight breath of air and asked: “How about comparing it with Alice?” “Insufficient data to analyze!” Isaacs shook his head and said disdainfully: “A computer is a computer. No matter how high-end it is, it cannot be analyzed after all. Compared with the human brain.” The “White Queen” in the form of a little girl blinked, seemingly unable to understand what Isaacs said, but said: “Dr. Isaacs, what are the next instructions?”
Isaacs was about to say As he spoke, the door of the studio was pushed open. A white man in a crisp suit hurriedly walked in and said: “Doctor, according to the report of my subordinates, there is an abnormality at this coordinate position.”
Dr. Isaacs raised his head dissatisfied and looked at the white man quietly. man. This white man was sent by Wesker, the man in sunglasses, to monitor him, and his name was John. When he came, he brought with him a powerful armed force. The euphemistic name is “sharing the work pressure for you”, but it is actually a form of surveillance and checks and balances, with a strong anti-customer attitude. Dr. Isaacs guessed that Wesker, the man in sunglasses, was a little dissatisfied with his dominance of North America.
Obviously, although this doctor is very skilled in the field of research, he is not a political person. As soon as he became a member of the board of directors, he used resources to serve his own research, and the original body of Alice was never found. In addition, some people suspected that he had concealed the real research results of the T virus. All these made the board members dissatisfied with the doctor. Wesker, the man in sunglasses, sent this person down, not to spy on him, but to lure him into action! Once the Doctor takes action, Wesker will have enough excuses to come to North America and take over the power from the Doctor and all his research results.
“Doctor?” John felt uncomfortable with the Doctor’s gaze, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. Thinking he didn’t hear clearly, he shouted again. Doesn’t he know that Doctor hates being called Doctor now? Or is it that he knew it but did it on purpose? Dr. Isaacs did not go to “correct” John’s “mistake.” A murderous intent flashed

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