h and met several young women. At his age, he was so greatly stimulated by visual senses that he almost had nosebleeds.

h and met several young women. At his age, he was so greatly stimulated by visual senses that he almost had nosebleeds.

h and met several young women. At his age, he was so greatly stimulated by visual senses that he almost had nosebleeds.
He secretly touched his nose with his hand and was relieved when he found no blood coming out.
After asking, I learned that the other person was not a nudist, but an environmental enthusiast.
They believe that Heliopolis’ approach of not using electricity at night, and not using plastic products or cars, is worth learning from other places.
Come to the beach.
The sign says “à-poil”, which means naked in French, which means you have to be naked to enter the beach.
Han Xuan had no idea of ??trying it, even though there were many naked men and women about his age there.
Because they are exposed to the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean all year round, the skin of those on the beach is somewhat darkened.
Butler Baptiste said: “Heliopolis Island was only bustling a few decades ago, but now people are no longer keen on sunbathing. That may be because the environment has been damaged and the ultraviolet rays are too high. Settling here The number of residents on the island is gradually decreasing, and only some old people still like to live here. An old man I know has lived here for sixty years.”
Then I went to take a look at the central square of Heliopolis Island. .
Han Xuan bought some local postcards and accidentally discovered that there were photos of Gothe Manor among them.
The valley where it is located is one of the most beautiful lavender areas in Provence. Most of the postcards on the French market are taken from there.
After visiting this strange island, we boarded the boat and left in the evening.
Two small cruise ships sailed to Toulon Port one behind the other.
The sky was reflected in orange by the sunset, and the color of the sea became particularly moving. He returned to the shore and got on the bus, and went directly back to Goude Manor
. After spending two days in Goude Manor, Han Xuan finally knew the man he met on the train. What exactly does the old man Gamele Oteyur mean when he says “every day is almost the same”.
Every day in Provence is really the same.
The day was extremely long.
The farmers on the manor are busy fertilizing, watering, removing insects, and pruning branches and leaves every day.
Although the total time is the same as anywhere else on earth, I feel like I have plenty of time because I have nothing to do.
After planting the seeds of the plants in the spring, they then wait for the harvest.
After Han Xuan tried to water the lavender for a long time, he realized that there were so many things to do in the seemingly relaxing field.
No wonder the manor of more than 900 acres has 177 farmers alone. These are only fixed, and people have to be hired temporarily to help during the busy farming season.
In comparison, snow-capped mountain pastures where grass is planted and left to be eaten by cattle, sheep, and horses are much easier to manage.
/Most of the residents of Provence are farmers with easy jobs.
/The working hours

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