go!” Wang Bo let go of his hand around the girl’s belly, and instead grabbed the girl’s thin fingers. His hands were wet and covered with Holding the cold water droplets.

go!” Wang Bo let go of his hand around the girl’s belly, and instead grabbed the girl’s thin fingers. His hands were wet and covered with Holding the cold water droplets.

go!” Wang Bo let go of his hand around the girl’s belly, and instead grabbed the girl’s thin fingers. His hands were wet and covered with Holding the cold water droplets.
“Xiaobo, don’t do this.” Zheng Yan bit her lips, her beautiful black and white eyes showed a pleading look, “We can’t be like before, I don’t want to hurt Xiaobo.” ”
Xiaoya asked me to come to you. “Wang Bo interrupted Zheng Yan’s words. The rolling emotions and accumulated words in his chest could no longer be suppressed and poured out. “You know, Yanzi, after you left, I felt the greatest pain in my life. It was simply… I was so distraught that I even made a trip abroad and went to France to relax for more than ten days.
“In romantic France, I thought a lot, recalled a lot, and thought a lot about the relationship between you and us. We met, got acquainted, got to know each other, and later fell in love, and finally realized in excruciating pain that if I couldn’t be with you in this life, I would lose a very important part of my life, and there would always be a blank space in my heart. No matter how much money I make, no matter how successful I am, there is a hole that cannot be filled. I will carry a fortune of thousands of dollars, but I will walk in the world like a zombie.
“So, after I came back, I started to go directly to your home regardless of looking for you together. I have been to your home before, but every time I just wandered at the gate of the community. This time, I made up my mind to find you. No.
/“I went to knock on your door, but it’s a pity that it wasn’t you, nor your uncle or aunt who opened the door. I thought you would move away just to avoid me. At that moment, I felt like I had fallen into a bottomless abyss. ”
When Wang Bo talked about this, the girl in his arms began to tremble, and tears came out of his eyes. Wang Bo wiped away the tears on the girl’s face with his own palms, and said while wiping away: “I went
home for the New Year last year, little girl. Ya also came back from the United States. Xiaoya is innocent, and I love her too. I’ve already lost one of my great loves and I can’t afford to lose another one.
“Xiaoya stayed in Sifang for more than ten days. She forgave me for being unfaithful to her. In addition, she also asked me to find you and get you back. She knew that while I liked her, She also likes you, and she likes you no less than she does. Of course this makes her extremely painful and heartbroken, but she also knows that if I don’t have you, if I abandon you because of her, I will I will never be happy in my life, and I will leave an eternal regret in my heart. Xiaoya is a kind girl, she doesn’t want me to be unhappy, so, Yanzi, she is willing to accept you and asked me to get you back. Come on, if you are willing to accept her.”
“Oh, I’m sorry for Xiaoya, Xiaoya is really a good girl, I’m really sorry for her.” Zheng Yan, who was held in Wang Bo’s arms, finally couldn’t help it. “Woo” started to cry, crying for the harm he had caused to an innocent girl, and even more so fo

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