an’t be found when she goes to college, becomes the mayor’s son, or the son of a wealthy businessman? Do you have to hang yourself on this ghost?

an’t be found when she goes to college, becomes the mayor’s son, or the son of a wealthy businessman? Do you have to hang yourself on this ghost?

Are all men in China dead?
Even if all the men in China died, Wang Bo, the culprit who had brought “great harm” to him personally, posed a great threat to his family, and almost broke up, would not regard himself as a treasure. The same daughter will marry him!
/Absolutely impossible!
“Why are you so excited? Why are you so excited? I’m just making an analogy. I mentioned it casually. You are more excited than anyone else.” Cheng Wenjin stared at Liang Jingquan with dissatisfaction, but his heart kept thinking. Sighing, with her husband’s firm opposition now, she didn’t dare to tell him about her daughter and that brat Wang Bo. Cheng Wenjin sighed in her heart:
Xiaoya, Xiaoya, Wang Xiaogui, Wang Xiaogui, it’s not that your mother/aunt won’t help you, but that you, the old man/your future father-in-law, are too stubborn and insist on letting you go to college. Only then can we open up the net. Then the only thing I can do is to force you to be secret lovers for another year and a half.
Being glared at by his wife, Liang Jingquan also felt that his reaction just now seemed a bit excessive. He quickly softened his attitude, took Cheng Wenjin’s hand, and said with a smile: “I don’t care about our daughter. But Wenjin, Xiaoya must not be allowed to try such things as puppy love. To be honest, I am not the most worried about the impact on my grades. What I am most worried about is that the two little guys are in love. The love is so intense that I can’t control it. themselves, and then do something that makes us and them deeply regret it. And this kind of quick thing is not possible, but very likely to happen! I think back when I fell in love with you, In terms of character and concentration, I must be better than little boys like Wang Bo, right? Result? Faced with your beauty, I was completely unable to resist and couldn’t control it. I fell in love with your pomegranate skirt in one fell swoop. Next? Xiaoya is my child and has completely inherited all the advantages of you and me. If you want to be friends with a boy, can that boy endure it?
“Finally, I don’t need to say it, you must also know that if Xiaoya is pregnant , how much harm it will do to her. “Liang Jingquan took his wife’s hand and expressed his love to Cheng Wenjin sincerely.
“Are you still embarrassed? If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t be staying in this shitty place like Sifang Library now. “Cheng Wenjin twitched her hand and gave Liang Jingquan a charming look. Her thoughts were dragged back to the university campus in the past by her husband. She recalled the ups and downs with the man in front of her over the past ten years. In the blink of an eye, her daughter Liang Ya was almost an adult. She has turned into a beautiful girl who is as beautiful as a flower and is loved by everyone. For a moment, she couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.
“Haha, it’s my fault, it’s all my fault! “Se

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