remembered that the governor said to him yesterday, “If you do your best this time, I will forget everything you have done before.” At that time, Ji Xueyong was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and almost wet his pants. . So today, in order to clear his name in front of the “Governor”, he placed all his hopes on the group of “Xichang fanzi” in front of him!

remembered that the governor said to him yesterday, “If you do your best this time, I will forget everything you have done before.” At that time, Ji Xueyong was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and almost wet his pants. . So today, in order to clear his name in front of the “Governor”, he placed all his hopes on the group of “Xichang fanzi” in front of him!

remembered that the governor said to him yesterday, “If you do your best this time, I will forget everything you have done before.” At that time, Ji Xueyong was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and almost wet his pants. . So today, in order to clear his name in front of the “Governor”, he placed all his hopes on the group of “Xichang fanzi” in front of him!
“Hmph! What the heck. You clowns dare to pretend to be my West Factory warriors. It’s ridiculous. Brothers, kill and make contributions today!” He shouted and kicked out a For some unknown reason, he aimed his kick at the opponent’s crotch. With one kick, he knocked the opponent to the ground, and then stabbed him in the heart. Seeing Ji Xueyong’s bravery, the rest of the Xichang fans under Ji Xueyong’s leadership immediately became highly motivated, shouting “Kill the enemy and make a meritorious service”, and frantically waved at their opponents with the weapons in their hands. As a result, the guards of the West Factory Supervisor, who had the numerical advantage, suffered a lot. Not long after the fight, the sand outside Longmen Inn was sprinkled with a layer of hot blood, which even the flying dust could not cover up.
Ma Jinliang
/swung his swords with both swords, splitting the air and cracking the sand. As soon as the two “enemies” coming towards him approached his body, before the raised swords had time to cut down, two bright lights had already wiped them out. Their throats, and at the same time, the silver light of death took away their souls. After killing two enemies, Ma Jinliang suddenly said “Hmm” and stepped forward to take a look, “Why do these two people look so familiar?” However, before he could think more, he heard “Kill the enemy and make a contribution.” “Crying, four blurry figures flashed out of the wind and sand, and surrounded Ma Jinliang. The four sharp weapons slashed at Ma Jinliang from four directions. Ma Jinliang did not kill the four people in front of him this time. After using his sword to block the weapons of the four people, he suddenly saw one of them and immediately shouted: “Fangda, it’s you? What are you doing?” Fangda ignored him. Instead, he laughed and said, “What are you doing? Get the reward for your dog leader!” But he was laughing in his heart: “What a fool, do you think you can pretend to be a stall owner just by wearing a ghost mask?”
“Damn it! You’re looking for death.” In this case, Ma Jinliang No longer polite, the two swords in his hands were twisted together, and the silver light flashed, as if two haloes were turning in his hands. With a pick of the left sword, a person’s throat was shattered; with a thrust of the right sword, a person’s heart was pierced; The outgoing sword was spinning, cutting a bloody mark on the other person’s face; after the outgoing sword was pulled out, he held the sword in his backhand and stabbed again, and the person suspected of being Fangda was also stabbed to the core.
/“You are the best in this swordsmanship?” At the last moment of his life, Fang Da seemed to wa

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