copter also seemed a little agitated. Their biological instincts were telling them that the front was full of murderous intent and danger!

copter also seemed a little agitated. Their biological instincts were telling them that the front was full of murderous intent and danger!

“Fly onto its back, don’t land from the front, and be sure to avoid those black auras!” Pei Jiao estimated the distance between the helicopter and the huge black dragon. When the distance between the two was about three to four hundred meters, he He immediately said to the soldier driving the helicopter.
The pilot of the helicopter and the co-pilot beside him, both of them can become pilots on Easter Island. Their skills, experience, psychological quality, etc. are naturally the best choices. After hearing this, they did not panic at all. There was not even a bump in the helicopter. It was as if the helicopter had already decided to fly straight upward before Pei Jiao opened his mouth. It passed directly over the side of the black dragon and flew to the top of its back. On the helicopter Just when the crew members were about to ask Pei Jiao how to land, they saw Pei Jiao suddenly jump out of the hatch of the helicopter. While he was still in the air, Pei Jiao had already begun to enter the “liberation” state. In the middle, silver thunder and lightning surrounded his body, and his body quickly grew in size. Before he jumped on the back of the black dragon, he had already turned into a ten-meter-tall thunder giant.
/With a bang, Pei Jiao fell hard on the body of the black dragon. He didn’t know why, but as soon as he got within 20 meters of the black dragon’s body, Pei Jiao felt a huge surge. Pressure appeared on his body, as if his body suddenly became ten times or twenty times heavier. So when he fell to the black dragon’s body, the shock force when he landed already made him uncomfortable. I have to vomit blood.
(Yes, even those pseudo-dark aura fields can change gravity, and this black dragon must be able to do the same. Speaking of which, the explosion fluctuations of those missiles before were probably bound by gravity, so that they could be condensed to give Throw it to Easter Island, gravity, what a terrifying aura field ability)
At this stage, almost all the aura fields Pei Jiao encounters are aura fields condensed by will, emotion, or some concept. Only his inclusive aura field and this dark aura field belong to the natural range. Will, his inclusive aura field aside, it has not yet reached the peak of the true demon level, and many functions have not yet emerged, but it is already very powerful, and this dark aura field is also terrifyingly strong, and its range is weakened Needless to say, the function is also the specific manifestation of gravity, which is a very terrifying ability. Think about it. The ultimate manifestation of power in the universe, the black hole, is actually just an extreme manifestation of gravity. Although even Even the World Serpent itself cannot condense a black hole, but ten times the gravity alone is scary enough.
Pei Jiao weighs about one hundred and ten kilograms. After he materialized within Easter Island, his soul was also bound by gr

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