t! Alert! Suspected abnormal human attack! Alert! This is not a drill, alert again! This is not a drill!”

t! Alert! Suspected abnormal human attack! Alert! This is not a drill, alert again! This is not a drill!”

In an instant, the entire peninsula was like an efficient military camp. With the sound of sirens and the roars of a large number of officers and non-commissioned officers, the roar of tanks, the sound of planes taking off, and even the sound of artillery preparations came from inside the peninsula. The warships on the sea were obviously activated, and the thick jets were pointed at the outermost checkpoint of the peninsula.
Yang Dingtian was very fast, but in just a few seconds, he had already killed all the American soldiers at the outermost checkpoint. What shocked him was that for some reason, those rifle bullets hit him. Although it did not hurt him, it caused a slight shock to his soul obsession. It was just too slight and disappeared in an instant, but this meant that ordinary firearms were actually attacking him. This almost impossible! Are those gun bullets super electromagnetic high-tech gun bullets?
/Just behind him, Nuwa looked at all this with a smile. She was not worried that Yang Dingtian would die like this. Although the former protagonist candidate was snatched away by her brother, this does not mean that Yang Dingtian would not Without luck, on the contrary, Yang Dingtian can at least achieve the status of the main supporting role. This is also a very terrible luck. It is impossible for him to die here.
/The only thing to worry about is
Nuwa stood there and muttered to herself. She stretched out her hands and looked at them carefully for a while, then sighed and said: “I have fought against Babel Tower too many times before. My energy reserves are There are still 7.2%. If you want to continue to protect your brother’s body and return to the main body soon, 5% of the energy is necessary, then 2.2%? Plus Yang Dingtian’s strength With great luck, I have a 60% chance of defeating the Fire Cloud Evil God. However, before that, I can’t use any more energy. It all depends on you. Yang Dingtian, don’t let your friends down. ”
Yang Dingtian naturally didn’t know all this. At this moment, he really wanted to bite and eat Nuwa. It can be said that he had never wanted to kill someone so much. Of course, the previous situation in the real world and the world government did not count. If When it comes to personal grudges, this is the one he hates the most and hates the most.
But there is no way, the form is stronger than the person. First of all, he doesn’t know how anxious Nuwa is to find the body of the Human Emperor, but he knows that he can’t afford to wait, and he can’t wait. He must leave this world immediately!
This is the most important point. From this point alone, no matter what he negotiates with Nuwa, he will lose first. Even now, Nuwa has sold him once and left him to face it alone. In the entire mental hospital’s defense force, he had no other temper. He could only start fighting with all his strength, and he only hoped that Nuwa could help him when he was unable to do anything. That’s a

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