body will not faint even if it dissipates. Although the amount of Pei Jiao’s obsession at the moment is pitifully small, the quality of his obsession is very tenacious and can accommodate two portions of standard energy. This kind of self-obsession is even comparable to that of a few high-level escapees, so after he fully endured the pain, he finally stood up from the ground.

body will not faint even if it dissipates. Although the amount of Pei Jiao’s obsession at the moment is pitifully small, the quality of his obsession is very tenacious and can accommodate two portions of standard energy. This kind of self-obsession is even comparable to that of a few high-level escapees, so after he fully endured the pain, he finally stood up from the ground.

When Pei Jiao looked at it, the only thing he felt was this word!
The entire battlefield looks too tragic! The entire ground is full of potholes, as if it had been baptized in the artillery fire of modern warfare, and thousands of meters away, there is an exaggerated pothole with a diameter of several hundred meters, which is where Pei Jiao accommodated a large number of people. The power of thunder and lightning, through the thunder and lightning beam emitted after the “liberation” of the heroic gun blade, was the only skill that he could use to concentrate all his strength to fire. He didn’t expect the power to be so exaggerated. I just didn’t know. Is the half-demon-level bull head dead?
Where are the others? Are Gong Yeyu, Yang Xuguang, Ren Zhen, Liu Yun and the others dead?
Pei Jiao was weak and weak at the moment. He didn’t know how long he lasted in the extreme pain, but when he saw that the explosion dust of the lightning beam in the distance had completely fallen and cleared away, he thought that this period of time should not be short. At this moment, he There was nothing to think about, and he didn’t know whether the other team members were dead or not. The only thing he could do was to walk step by step, like an ordinary person walking, and try his best to walk towards the pothole in the distance.
/Pei Jiao didn’t know how long he had walked during this journey of several thousand meters. When he reached the pothole, he hadn’t seen the rest of the team members appear yet. Could it be that they were all really dead?
Pei Jiao felt inexplicably sad and angry, especially when he thought of Gong Yeyu, the sadness and anger became even stronger. Before he could make the next move, a golden light suddenly came out from the bottom of the pit, and then, Pei Jiao He felt an indescribable angry will emanating from the golden light. At the same time, he also saw a golden giant ax appearing in the golden light.
The golden light is brilliant and huge!
Pei Jiao stared blankly at the huge ax in front of him. This ax was actually ten meters long. It was covered with golden light, as if it were made of gold. At the top of the ax blade, a bull-head standard seemed to be roaring, and the ax body and the The handle of the ax was engraved with strange runes and graphics, and the entire giant ax showed a vast and primitive atmosphere. Not only that, but Pei Jiao also felt the pure anger of will emanating from this ax!
Yes, just as the will of the heroic gun blade is heroic, this ax exudes a purer and more powerful will. The naked anger is simply like having a true demon-level strongman standing in front of you, but there is no The pressure

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