oked straight at all the giants in the audience, and he said coldly: “I am the number one marshal under Odin! I lead a total of 874 heroic spirits in this Hall of Heroes to fight against the ‘Original Sin’ Man, I have faced the subspace, I have faced the twelve sacred souls of the Zodiac, I have faced the hand of God, I have created a thousand blades, I have gone through hundreds of battles, I am the evil god Loki. !You new generation Holy Spirits, please remember this clearly! Don’t think that you are the core of the giant race and have the highest combat power. To be honest, you are just substitutes for the real elite when they are sleeping. The real elite is here! “

oked straight at all the giants in the audience, and he said coldly: “I am the number one marshal under Odin! I lead a total of 874 heroic spirits in this Hall of Heroes to fight against the ‘Original Sin’ Man, I have faced the subspace, I have faced the twelve sacred souls of the Zodiac, I have faced the hand of God, I have created a thousand blades, I have gone through hundreds of battles, I am the evil god Loki. !You new generation Holy Spirits, please remember this clearly! Don’t think that you are the core of the giant race and have the highest combat power. To be honest, you are just substitutes for the real elite when they are sleeping. The real elite is here! “

The young man pointed his finger at his feet. As he pointed downward, the marble ground suddenly gradually became transparent, and under this transparent ground, hundreds of giant holy spirits were under the hall!
After the young man finished pointing, he waved one hand, and the entire ground suddenly turned into marble again. He ignored the giant holy spirits below who were already sluggish, but said directly to Freya: “Freya, you are too much. In your eagerness for quick success, you couldn’t help but reach the level of the Holy Soul while I was sleeping. It’s a pity, but it doesn’t matter. The way for me to perfectly sublimate the Holy Soul, and the way for you to complete your own Holy Soul, is among the humans!”
It is difficult to achieve a holy soul. Even among the 10,000 true demon-level souls, not one of them may be able to achieve the rank of demon king. These people from all races who are closest to the holy soul have been stuck at this step for who knows how many thousands of years. They are so close What is missing is not the purity of the soul, nor the solidity of the soul, but a kind of luck, a kind of luck. To put it more simply, what they are missing is their great luck! They are not characters who came into being, and they are not qualified to become holy souls that can suppress luck!
So when the Allied Forces of the Hundred Tribes were wiped out, what accompanied the shock of the Hundred Tribes was this unspeakable silence. These eight powerful tribes, and even some other powerful fighting races, were the real elites who were only one step away from the Holy Soul. After awakening, all actions against the human race were stopped, not only against human cities, but also against those lone humans in other continents.
It was like the calm before the storm. After the battle between the expeditionary force and the Allied Forces of the Hundred Races, the whole world immediately fell into silence. At least until Pei Jiao achieved the rank of Demon King, became a Holy Soul, and obtained the Son of Man, The great destiny of the protagonist of the era, everything will continue to be quiet in front of the big position
/except for one race
In the deep sea, where the Royal Court of the Sea Clan was, suddenly a huge ball of space-distorted light came directly towards the entire undersea city, tearing apart the void a hundred meters above the

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