people across the way?” Hull asked.

people across the way?” Hull asked.

“No, they are all very vigilant, and the clergy of the Holy See have their own set of communication techniques.” Anna said.
Of course Hull knew about this, “Don’t you know anything about the Holy See’s communication techniques?”
“That’s the category of divine magic.” Anna replied immediately.
“What should we do now?” Shirley asked.
“Since there are two groups of people, and one group treats us well, let’s just call that person up and ask. Anna, go and ask that gentleman to come up.
Depressed, after figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Hull felt very depressed.
The first thing he was depressed about was that when he was a little free and wanted to do something, something like this suddenly happened – a monster was discovered in the center of the Holy See! Another thing that made him depressed was that the most unfair thing in the Holy See was said to have happened to him.
The Holy See is very famous for its love of making random accusations and finding excuses to deal with others at will.
But nothing like this has happened for a long time since the authority of the Holy See was lost centuries ago.
/Among the Holy See, the most unreasonable and hateful institution that likes to find excuses to deal with others is the Inquisition.
Hull had noticed that a few guys in the group of people who were eyeing the villa looked very familiar. Now he knows at least one thing, that is, among those who want to kill him, the Inquisition has a share.
After knowing this, he felt even more depressed because he really couldn’t figure out where he had offended these mad dogs.
Hull would never believe that the reason why the people of the Inquisition wanted to kill him was to crusade against heretics. In this era, no one cared about whether heretics or heretics were at all.
/Hull would never let go of anyone who wanted to deal with him. Since the Inquisition didn’t know why he wanted to kill him, he didn’t mind dealing with the Inquisition without any reason.
Hull believes there will be many people to thank him for if he clears the tribunal.
But just as he was about to take action, someone came to visit.
What Hull didn’t expect was that the old man who visited him turned out to be the old man assigned to him as a guide.
The old man said straight to the point: “His Majesty the Pope sent me here. He heard from the guards responsible for protecting you that you were safe and very happy. However, he was also worried that you would hold a grudge for what had happened. Desperate for revenge.”
“Can’t I get revenge?” Hel asked, this time he was very rude.
Of course he has a reason to be confident. The mission of the Holy See given to him by the Immortal King has been completed. He has nothing more to ask of the Holy See. In addition, he has just met the most famous person in the history of the Holy See – Pope Dosalun. At this moment Even if the contemporary Pope Paul III wants to be his brother-in-law, he may even disdain him.
The old man could only say in the gentlest tone possib

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