s have materialized every year. Especially six months ago, the number of ghosts reached thousands. I don’t know. What will happen in the future, but we eight high-level escapees can all feel that this world is becoming more and more oppressive, especially when the space cracks that bind the soul are taken away every day. Every time I see the space cracks, I can’t help but Holding the Purple Thunder Knife in my hand, I can clearly feel that all the evil thoughts coming from it are like facing hell. I heard from those scientists that it seems that in 2012, the space crack will coincide with the earth. , what will happen to us if that happens?”

s have materialized every year. Especially six months ago, the number of ghosts reached thousands. I don’t know. What will happen in the future, but we eight high-level escapees can all feel that this world is becoming more and more oppressive, especially when the space cracks that bind the soul are taken away every day. Every time I see the space cracks, I can’t help but Holding the Purple Thunder Knife in my hand, I can clearly feel that all the evil thoughts coming from it are like facing hell. I heard from those scientists that it seems that in 2012, the space crack will coincide with the earth. , what will happen to us if that happens?”

When Gong Yeyu said this, he rarely showed a sense of frustration, and he continued: “So, we eight high-level escapees desperately want to become stronger, and we are always pushing ourselves to fight, almost I want to stand in the fantasy land every moment because the eight of us all have our own ties to the world, and we all have people we want to protect. If any drastic changes happen in 2012, we only hope that we can use our own You have the strength to protect the most important person to you, so what about you? Do you feel it too?”
/(I felt it. Not only did I feel it, I also saw it with my own eyes)
Pei Jiao opened his mouth. He had a desire to talk about the underworld and hell, but after all, he could not explain the fact that he had been to hell. Moreover, he was still so weak. This fact might bring him terrible danger. , so no matter how much he admired Gong Yeyu, his reason told him not to say it out loud, so he could only nod his head and said: “Well, I feel it too.”
“That was the end of the world, and that might be the moment when we humans become extinct!”
/The soul can actually sleep. It is a kind of meditative state. It does not increase one’s own obsession, but it has a healing effect on the stability of the soul body itself. It is also the best recovery method for free souls after being injured. one.
During the time on the plane, Gong Yeyu told Pei Jiao some things about the soul world, such as the battle in the fantasy land, several strong men in the world, and some things that the soul needs to be afraid of. In short, It was now that Pei Jiao needed some information the most, and after finishing the information, Gong Yeyu went directly to play with his laptop, leaving Pei Jiao sitting there alone and sleeping dullly.
However, the sleep of the soul is different from that of mortals. This kind of sleep is more like a state similar to daze and contemplation. This state is even more unaware of the passage of time than sleeping. So unknowingly, the plane has stopped somewhere in Beijing. At a secluded airport, when everyone got off the plane, they found that there were thousands of people waiting outside the plane. When Pei Jiao got off the plane, the crowd waiting outside the plane applauded. Pei Jiao was shocked.
At this moment, Gong Yeyu, who got off the plane after Pei Jiao, sneered and said: “Pei Jiao, do you know the morality of those officials now? Th

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