ous hotel, Sado looked at the thing in his hand inexplicably. It was a stack of franchise licenses, which he had obtained in exchange for the information given to him by his boss.

ous hotel, Sado looked at the thing in his hand inexplicably. It was a stack of franchise licenses, which he had obtained in exchange for the information given to him by his boss.

Sado is considered a top figure in his field, with a broad path and a sharp vision, so he secretly estimated the price of the information. He could sell it for at least several million crowns. He didn’t expect that the boss didn’t want anything, but he just wanted it. these licenses.
He didn’t know what these licenses were for. The only thing he knew was that he couldn’t get any benefits out of them, which made him feel quite depressed.
Sadou has no loyalty to his current boss. If they get along with their employer, they will make two more deals. If they don’t get along, they will go their separate ways. So he can’t help but plan for the future, and maybe find a way to get some benefits. , it’s time to find another way.
/The only thing that made him feel a little hesitant was that he didn’t know the details of his boss, but in this business, he saw a lot of employers with mysterious backgrounds, so he didn’t really care.
Apart from not being able to offend the Holy See, Sadou didn’t care about other people. Although many forces claimed that their hands and eyes were all over the sky, and their eyes were all over the continent, in fact, most of them were just water, and it was extremely easy for a person to hide.
Take Yafa as an example. Rambert III, who was extremely paranoid about intelligence, had no more than 100,000 people working for him to provide intelligence. Throwing these people across the entire continent, they were like gravel in the sea.
What’s more, apart from paying some informants, these people have no other more reliable way to collect intelligence. Otherwise, the war that just passed would not have been so ugly, and the thousands of spies stationed in Beru would not have lost it so ugly. Know what to do.
/Sado did not think that his boss was more powerful than Emperor Biafa. He was reassured because he had planned to buy a small fishery in Belrod, which is tens of thousands of kilometers away from Fanse and only has three months a year. It’s sunny and windy, and only ghosts can develop their power in that kind of place.
The only thing that worries Sado is that the boss seems to be planning to take advantage of the Holy See. A person who wants to escape will only worry about the Holy See, because the top leaders of the Holy See can find traces of a certain person through prophecy.
Because of some hesitation, Sado finally handed over today’s harvest through the secret window.
On the other side of the window, Fei Biton was holding a license bought at a high price from official channels to authenticate the things that Sado handed over. As an archivist, of course he had taken a course in authenticating authenticity, but It’s just never been used before.
From the paper to the signature, from the stamp to the flower signature, Fei Biton held a high-power magnifying glass in his hand and compared it carefully, not darin

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