for it?” A very strong young man said, with short black hair, dark skin, and a bad temper. He almost threw the old student away.

for it?” A very strong young man said, with short black hair, dark skin, and a bad temper. He almost threw the old student away.

“What are you looking at?” At this point, he slapped the divine ape Qi Sheng again on his head because Qi Sheng was staring.
/“What the hell?” Qi Sheng exploded at that time. As the grandson of an ancient divine ape, he also had a great background and could be regarded as a descendant of a living true immortal.
As a result, the old student Mo Lin, who was almost thrown out, grabbed him and covered his mouth.
It wasn’t until the shuttle sailed away and the dark, strong man disappeared that senior student Mo Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Do you know who he is? Hong Teng from the Upper House, one of the most talented students in our class. They have all transformed into immortals and are still stuck in this world. Not many of them can afford to offend them.”
After Qi Sheng heard this, he was quite surprised, but still a little angry. Someone raised his hand and gave him a slap on the back of his head, which was as serious as touching his monkey butt.
“This is nothing. You can think about it this way. On a certain day in a certain year, Hong Teng and I fought on Feisheng Cliff and killed ourselves in the sky.” Mo Lin, the old student, persuaded him like this. He himself was happy and said: “No Is that an exaggeration? All the elements are correct and I can brag about it for a lifetime.”
Everyone except Qi Sheng laughed, and Qi Sheng didn’t hold back in the end.
“Be content, Hong Teng is very restrained, otherwise, he would be able to knock someone’s head off with just one slap when he becomes an immortal.” Hu Mingli said.
The freshmen feel deeply that there is a huge gap in strength between the upper and lower houses. Some geniuses in the upper house have become immortals for many years, and strength is respected here.
“If there is a conflict in the academy, will the academy not care about it?” Wang Xuan asked, not because he was ready to hit someone, but just wanted to understand the general scale.
Mo Lin reminded: “Don’t be a bad person and don’t go too far. Once life and death are involved, you can only go to the bloody arena. Otherwise, if you dare to kill people privately, the dean will not care what your background is. Uproot all the forces behind you.”
The freshman nodded, indicating that he understood.
“Everything must be self-improvement. The dean and the seniors in the academy have opened caves in the chaos outside the sky. Unless there is a big event, it will not come.”
This statement amazed several freshmen.
Wang Xuan understood more clearly that the world where Dean Yuan Shidao entered and exited the true immortal world and the ascended heaven-level creatures felt like walking on flat ground, which was very scary.
When he learned that such a person did not live in the academy, he felt it was the best.
/“My thunder and fire disaster has arrived.” Wang Xuan said. He felt that he should show his “buried” genius attributes as quickly and reasonably as possibl

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