. Except for the alien race, all other alien races will die! He was eager for these alien races to come over. Except for the elves who could hurt these people with their sneaky arrows, he was not afraid of other alien races at all. He was also a long-range soul wielder.

. Except for the alien race, all other alien races will die! He was eager for these alien races to come over. Except for the elves who could hurt these people with their sneaky arrows, he was not afraid of other alien races at all. He was also a long-range soul wielder.

After yelling at the adults, he squatted down slightly and looked at the dozen children with a smile. He thought about it and suddenly waved to them, and then he saw him stepping directly to the side. On a vertical cliff, about tens of meters high, I saw him running down with something in his arms less than half a minute later.
“The unripe sour pears are very sour and a little bitter, but not poisonous.”
/Zhang Heng took out the sour pears from his pocket. The children had just been beaten. They drooled looking at the sour pears, but they did not dare to come forward at all, until the adults next to them secretly wiped their tears. While patting these children, the children cheered and rushed forward to grab the sour pears. After a long time, Zhang Heng touched the children’s heads one by one and then walked to the front of the line again.
“Let’s go, destination, human city”
At the other end, Wang Jun led the more than 20 people hurriedly forward in the jungle. He was really anxious and anxious. He was really afraid that most of the tribesmen in the cave were dead, and he was also afraid of the people who had ambushed them before. The elves found the cave and killed the people inside. At this moment, his body felt very uncomfortable, painful and uncomfortable, as if his body was about to split. His body was full of sore and numb feelings, and it seemed that there was Countless bugs crawled around inside the body.
/Now he only relied on his perseverance to support him. He was really afraid that he might fall if he stopped for a moment, so he could only keep trotting, running towards the cave with the twenty or so people behind him.
But the current situation is that he has no idea where he is at the moment, where the Elf village is in the jungle, and where the cave is, so he can only keep running forward, hoping to find a place. Be in a place he is familiar with so that he can confirm where he is.
Everyone ran like this for a full two hours. Until then, they really couldn’t bear it anymore. Even though human physical fitness has greatly improved, running for two consecutive hours in the forest was also the limit of their bodies. , Moreover, they had not had any water for a long time, and they were already extremely hungry. Although Wang Lin drank a large amount of elves’ blood before, the previous battle had consumed too much in his body, and for him The load on his body was also too great. By the time everyone stopped, he really couldn’t bear it anymore. He was trapped on the ground, shaking and about to fall into coma.
The rest of the people looked at him with great worry, and everyone felt uncomfortable in their hearts because Wang Jun’s appearance was really bad at this moment. There were small wounds all over his body, which were caused by t

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