people also artificially created a low-level God Realm, which was used for those who could not become gods and had to be made by A place where people who are led by others live.

people also artificially created a low-level God Realm, which was used for those who could not become gods and had to be made by A place where people who are led by others live.

The Han civilization is even stranger. They don’t call it becoming a god, but call it ascension.
The strangest thing is that the space they ascended to is the same place, but the methods of ascending are different. Some ascended with their bodies, but most of them gave up their bodies and ascended to the fairy world and then reshaped their bodies. Some even gave up their bodies completely like demons.
/Becoming a god is just a way to pursue eternity and enter high-level space.
More than a dozen temples shrouded in golden light appeared on the bottom of the sea. These temples were exactly the same as those in the center of the Holy See. This was the masterpiece of the joint effort of the Immortal King and Dozaron. The two of them used incredible means to bring part of the space where the golden-robed elders of the Vatican lived in seclusion into this world.
These temples are also part of Dosalun. The big explosion blew his body away completely. Part of the huge energy created the space where Dosalun was hiding, while the other part was attached to the buildings within the explosion range. superior.
It took Dozaron a century to strip out these energies and pull them into one and a half dimensions.
One of the reasons why Dozaron had to spend a lot of effort to pull these temples into this world is that apart from these temples, his body no longer has any substantial parts.
Although being incorporeal has many advantages, at least it is not easy to be injured, but it also has the biggest disadvantage, that is, once he is hit hard, he may be completely scattered without entity.
In these temples, there are hundreds of Vatican clergy wearing golden robes praying all day long. Through a short period of time, the clergy of the Vatican have achieved heaven-level strength by boosting their strength.
These heaven-level powerful men created in a short period of time are completely incomparable to the priests in this world, whether in terms of realm or control of divine power.
But the Immortal King has no intention to enhance the overall strength of these Vatican clergy. What these Vatican clergy have is shocking divine power, and they have not even realized the domain.
Creating such a batch of instant sky-level masters can increase the success rate of his plan by 2%. For him at this moment, any helpful force cannot be let go.
The current Immortal King is not staying with Dosarun. He needs to coordinate the actions of both parties at the same time, and the search and rescue team cannot do without him.
/Before dragging Dosalun into this world, his plan was to have the members of the Beru Search and Rescue Team lead the Sea Beast Corps to forcefully rush into the Holy City and attract all the Holy City’s defenders there.
And he himself took the most powerful sea beasts and directly entered the central area of ????the Holy City through teleportati

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