bilized, but the magicians under him are all extremely skilled. In addition, there are hundreds of mines laid on the road leading here. When these things explode, they will cause a sea of ????fire.

bilized, but the magicians under him are all extremely skilled. In addition, there are hundreds of mines laid on the road leading here. When these things explode, they will cause a sea of ????fire.

What Gears is really worried about is the people at Fansai Magic Academy.
Although according to the boss, Fansai can’t find anyone who can compete with the magicians under him, but after all, there are three thousand people in the magic academy, and only one-tenth of them are needed, plus the police force They may not be able to withstand a desperate attack.
Fortunately, he and several others were 80% sure that the Magic Academy would not interfere in this matter.
Most magicians would choose to stay away from the power struggle between the Emperor and the opposition.
This is a civil war, a very disgraceful civil war. At this time, the orthodox magic institutions will not take action even if they know that a magic sect from nowhere has fallen into the arms of one of the parties.
It was precisely because of this calculation that they dared to formulate such a plan.
Perhaps because the number of escapees was increasing, the prisoners began to waver, and the climax of the escape finally arrived. This time, those who were still hesitating rushed to the gate.
But at this moment, the open door seemed to be slammed shut by an invisible monster. The speed of closing and the force of the collision shocked all the prisoners who escaped and those who did not. The ground stopped.
The most miserable thing was the few people who were knocked away by the gate. Even if they were hit by a fully loaded carriage, it would never be as serious as it is now. One of them was quickly crushed into a pool of blood foam by the gate, and the other one flew away. He walked out for more than ten meters and then hit the wall heavily.
/But everything was too late. The moment the door closed, Gear and his men were already preparing to escape. The people who had escaped before were close to one-third of all prisoners, and one-third were far beyond The original plan was to save only 60 people.
As the figure disappeared, the gear asked his magicians to send signals to those responsible for blocking reinforcements in the distance, but there was one last thing that needed to be done before retreating.
Following a burst of obscure chanting, the magicians hiding in the dark finally triggered the carefully prepared magic. It was a very effective fear spell that could turn a large number of heroic soldiers into deserters in an instant.
However, few people know that when the effect of this fear spell reaches its peak, the subject no longer runs away, but on the contrary, becomes extremely violent and bloodthirsty, wanting to kill everyone.
But afterwards, even if they extract memories or use magic detection, it is impossible to find any proof that they have been violent. The only thing that can be found is that they have been affected by fear spells.
Gear does not need to wait for his men to complete this group magic. As a person who plans all day long

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