my with you.”

my with you.”

He had already achieved the rank of captain, but unfortunately he was killed in this heroic battle.
/But people are like this, no one can tell when something will happen.
Wei Xiaobei felt that the only thing he could do now was to save them, help them rest underground, and not let other beings interfere with their eternal sleep.
Because there were many human corpses mixed with the corpses of iron and stone monsters on the battlefield, the work efficiency of ordinary people was greatly reduced.
The number of human corpses in front of Wei Xiaobei probably exceeded a thousand, so he did not continue to wait. Instead, he raised the water purification bottle and silently recited the Great Compassion Mantra in his mouth: “Nawuhe Luo Da Na Duo Luo Ye Ye Nan There is no Ajuya, Lujiadi, Shuobalaya, Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, etc.”
To be honest, if he had a choice, Wei Xiaobei would rather recite the Sutra of Saving People when saving these dead soldiers.
But if you want to activate the effect of this water purification bottle to save the dead, you can only recite Buddhist classics. Among the Buddhist classics, Wei Xiaobei did a little test and found that the Great Compassion Mantra has the best effect and has the highest compatibility with this water purification bottle. .
As soon as the Great Compassion Mantra was uttered, a faint layer of golden Buddha light appeared on the water purification bottle.
This is probably the convention, or the traditional model, produced by Daitenryuji Temple.
As Wei Xiaobei continued to recite the Great Compassion Mantra, the golden Buddha’s light on the water purification bottle became increasingly intense.
Through this layer of Buddha’s light, Wei Xiaobei could see the broken, translucent souls floating quietly out of the corpses.
At first, these translucent souls seemed a little confused after leaving the corpse, completely like ignorant children who had not yet awakened.
But after hearing the Great Compassion Mantra from Wei Xiaobei’s mouth and coming into contact with the golden Buddha’s light, each of them became clear and their expressions were extremely peaceful, as if they were under the warm sunshine.
Gradually, the bodies of these souls became more and more transparent, and soon they floated towards the sky. Soon they disappeared without a trace, and even Wei Xiaobei could not identify their whereabouts.
Is this the salvation of the undead?
Wei Xiaobei watched as those souls disappeared, and some black-yellow mist formed out of thin air, pouring into the water purification bottle.
Wei Xiaobei could clearly see that as the black-yellow light mist poured in, a drop of black-yellow liquid gradually condensed on the gap at the bottom of the water purification bottle, hanging precariously on the gap.
This is?
Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate at all, and then threw the omniscient one at it.
Name: Xuanhuang Merit Juice (Introductory Lingbao)
Introduction: Xuanhuang Merit Juice is made by condensing merits from water purification bottles after saving the souls of

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