down until the little spoon left.

down until the little spoon left.

It can be said that this jade bottle has initially gained spiritual intelligence. It vaguely knows that if the little spoon touches the inside of its own bottle wall, it will cause damage to itself.
This was also the reason why Wei Xiaobei was cautious for Mao.
He didn’t want to accidentally damage this jade bottle. In that case, this three-hundred-year-old jade ointment would be out of print.
Half a fingernail’s worth of three-hundred-year-old jade paste was put into the steaming hot lotus soup. As Wei Xiaobei gently stirred it with a mutton-fat white jade spoon, the lotus soup suddenly underwent earth-shaking changes. .
The steam rising from the lotus soup stopped dissipating in the air and began to condense.
It didn’t take long for the steam to form a small snake. This steam snake was a little thinner than chopsticks.
Success? ?
This was something Wei Xiaobei had not expected.
Could it be that my luck is starting to turn red and purple now?
But soon, Wei Xiaobei realized that he was thinking too much.
The appearance of this steam snake did not stop the steam from condensing.
Less than ten breaths later, another steam snake formed.
And then the steam snake formed, and the steam snake that appeared before seemed to feel some threat, and then rushed towards the latter crazily.
A moment later, in the white steam, a battle broke out between the two steam snakes.
They chased each other, constantly biting each other’s bodies, looming in the steam.
But this is not the end.
After a few breaths, another steam snake slowly emerged.
One, two, three, four
Well, at this time, the top of the dragon scale pot seemed to have turned into a snake nest, and steam snakes were constantly condensing out.
These new steam snakes will be thrown into the previous battle as soon as they appear.
In less than three minutes, more than thirty small snakes appeared in the steam above the dragon scale pot.
After they meet each other, they are like sworn enemies, fighting like crazy!
Not long after, a little steam snake was accidentally bitten seven inches by another little steam snake. The next moment, the other little steam snakes seemed to have seen an advantage, put down their fight with each other, and swarmed up. In the blink of an eye, Then he tore the two steam snakes into pieces.
The fragments quickly merged into the steam, but those little snakes did not relax at all because of the defeat of the two competitors. The ensuing battle was like sparks falling into the gasoline barrel, completely entering the heat!
/Wei Xiaobei watched this scene, and he knew that this phenomenon should be that the lotus soup with dragon flesh was being promoted.
But at this time, Wei Xiaobei always had an uneasy feeling in his heart.
As the battle heated up, the battle between the steam snakes ended quickly.
When the battle was over, there were still two steam snakes left.
The two steam snakes seemed to be spiritual. They glanced at Wei Xiaobei outside, with a hint of fear in their eyes.

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