and the collapse of the Kingdom of God. It can be used to create and expand the Kingdom of God. The cornerstones of the Kingdom of God condensed by the gods consuming divine power have attributes related to the gods. The pure cornerstones of the Kingdom of God need to be tempered and born through the tribulation of heaven, and can be used to create the Kingdom of God with any attributes. Therefore, it is one of the common currencies among the gods.

and the collapse of the Kingdom of God. It can be used to create and expand the Kingdom of God. The cornerstones of the Kingdom of God condensed by the gods consuming divine power have attributes related to the gods. The pure cornerstones of the Kingdom of God need to be tempered and born through the tribulation of heaven, and can be used to create the Kingdom of God with any attributes. Therefore, it is one of the common currencies among the gods.

Effect 1: Create the Kingdom of God. Note: The cornerstone of the Kingdom of God required to create the Kingdom of God is no less than 1,000 yuan.
/Effect 2: Expand the Kingdom of God.
After looking at the attribute table of this red gemstone, Wei Xiaobei’s face showed a little excitement.
To be honest, the amount of information contained in it is quite large.
So that’s it, do gods still need this thing to create the Kingdom of God?
Is this actually the common currency among the gods?
Wei Xiaobei then started searching among the rubble.
Well, the workload is still quite large.
You must know that the pure cornerstone of the Kingdom of God is the same as the gray boundary stone. It does not release any breath to the outside world, just like ordinary gravel.
Therefore, it was impossible for Wei Xiaobei to use his keen sense to find these cornerstones of the Kingdom of God. He could only pick up piles of rubble with his hands and distinguish them with the naked eye.
Even ordinary people can’t help. It’s difficult for ordinary people who don’t have independent consciousness to do such delicate work.
Besides, Wei Xiaobei didn’t trust ordinary people to do this.
The value of this thing is not low. If one piece is missing, Wei Xiaobei will feel that it will be a loss.
After making himself look miserable and sitting on the ground for more than half an hour, Wei Xiaobei finally picked out all the cornerstones of the Kingdom of God buried in the rubble.
There are fifty-six pieces in total, each piece is extremely uniform in size and weighs fifty-one grams, as if poured from a mold.
The number is not much, and you can understand after thinking about it. Even if the totem stone pillar contains a lot of divine power, it is conceivable how much will be left under the bombardment of the heavenly tribulation gathered in the Aoki Paradise.
The most critical point is that if the divine power in this totem stone pillar can be used to create a divine kingdom, will the indigenous gods be willing to use it to build a totem stone pillar?
Well, the value of this thing should be mainly reflected in transactions with gods, it is a universal currency.
But Wei Xiaobei didn’t see it that way.
Dealing with gods?
Don’t look at the joke, there is only one god that Wei Xiaobei knows now, Amaterasu.
If he ran to trade with Amaterasu, Wei Xiaobei felt that he should probably add some brain fragments.
Leave yourself to create the Kingdom of God?
This idea is even more idiotic.
/Wei Xiaobei has given up the idea of ??following the Shinto way, so naturally he will not do such a thing.

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