e temporary leader of Langwu County’s arrest, Wang Shifang.”

e temporary leader of Langwu County’s arrest, Wang Shifang.”

Xuanyin Division is also known as the Black Yamen. Wang Captou did not dare to neglect. When he stepped forward to salute, he saw the black hair on Lu Bei’s sleeves and held his breath for a while.
“Ding Lei of a certain family, the king’s arrest is too polite.”
Out of caution, Lu Bei now put on the face of a lewd thief, and She Yan behind him was no exception. He used snake skin to pinch a passerby’s face, as the boss of the five dead soldiers.
As for the bulging figure that is too eye-catching, the solution is simple.
The white cloth is wrapped tightly.
Her face is too ordinary for passers-by. When others see her slightly muscular chest, they will subconsciously think that she is an individual cultivator and not think much about it.
“Sir, the county government has prepared a banquet, look.”
“Where is Mr. Zhu, the county magistrate?”
“Imprisoned in the backyard of the county government office, guarded by several adults from the Huangji Sect.”
“Let’s go to Mr. Zhu’s house first. I heard that he has a cellar for raising voodoos in his house. I’m very interested.”
Lu Bei said: “As for the banquet, Wang Captou is interested. There is no rush for now. When we return to the county office, I will borrow flowers to offer Buddha and have a few drinks with Mr. Zhu.”
“My lord said, please come this way.”
Wang Captou led the way. Lu Bei noticed the sharp gaze on him and turned his head to look in the direction of the dock.
On a large ship not far away, a middle-aged man in green robe smiled and expressed his welcome to Lu Bei through lip-talk.
Huang Ji Zong, Huang He.
/Lu Bei cupped his fists and returned the salute, then quickly followed Wang Baotou and followed him to Zhu’s Mansion in Langwu County.
After the group left, two men dressed as guards came behind Huang He on the Huangji Sect’s big ship and said respectfully: “Master Steward, the dog thieves from the Xuanyin Division have arrived. Should we hand the prisoner over to them directly, or should we hand over the prisoner directly to them?” Are you going to hold it back first?”
“Give it to them directly. After all, they are members of the Zhu family. If something happens to them in our hands, I won’t be able to report it to the superiors.”
Huang He looked at the direction Lu Beiyuan was going, shook his head and smiled: “These villains from Xuanyin Division are not brave enough themselves, but they still accuse our Emperor Ji Sect of being narrow-minded.”
“Master Steward, how do you say this?”
“Take Qingwei just now. He pretended to be a dead soldier and found a scapegoat to stand in front of him. He didn’t even think about the gap between the Xiantian realm and the Baoding realm. He really thought he could hide it from me.” Huang He sneered. road.
“Your Excellency is wise.”
“Seeing as she has a decent figure, I’m really curious about what she looks like under that dead face.”
“Sir, do you want me to come and spy on you?”
“Tired of living?”
Huang He shook his head and stopped his subord

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