lso received the novel and started reading it.

lso received the novel and started reading it.

Of course, it also includes people in the fairy tale circles from all continents.
For example, Bai Jie.
Baijie also ordered online.
/Bai Jie’s wife
A beautiful young woman.
She seemed to want to see something from Bai Jie’s face, but in the end she saw nothing.
Bai Jie was silent.
Just mechanically turning the pages.
Perhaps it is the vigorous pre-sale storm that has aroused everyone’s expectations for “Alice in Wonderland”.
Obviously this is a fairy tale, but many adult readers can’t help but read it.
This process is mostly not very long-lasting.
After all, Alice is just a little girl, and the full text is less than 200,000 words.
Chu Kuang was surprisingly short this time.
The advantage of being short is that some people finished the novel by noon that day.
Such as David.
For example, Bai Jie.
After David finished reading the novel, he fell into an eerie silence.
The friend on the side couldn’t help but ask: “how are you?”
David smiled slightly: “I’m fihank you.”
My friend was surprised: “Can you win?”
David’s smile froze slightly: “What are you going to eat tonight?”
“Why are you saying this all of a sudden? It’s a novel.”
The corner of David’s mouth twitched: “Stop talking about novels, quit.”
“Are you really okay?”
“I’m OK.”
My friend seemed to understand something.
the other side.
Bai Jie closed “Alice in Wonderland” and let out a long sigh of relief.
“How about it?”
The beautiful woman next to me was curious.
Bai Jie pointed in the direction of the table legs.
There was a book lying there, titled “Legends of the Sea”, and then he pointed at himself.
“What’s the meaning?”
/The beautiful wife was puzzled.
Bai Jie suddenly laughed, so heart-wrenchingly:
“They all must die!”
So what if I win?
Under Chu Kuang, all living beings are equal!
What kind of fairy tale is Chu Kuang’s “Alice in Wonderland”?
In fact, the story itself is not complicated.
A little girl named Alice entered a fairyland-like world, met many interesting friends, and experienced many absurd and magical encounters.
In this world, the White Queen and the Red Queen confront each other.
In the end, Alice helps the White Queen and defeats the Red Queen.
Finally, Alice woke up.
She realizes that there is no magic in the world, and the so-called fairyland is just her dream.
What’s really complicated about this story is the moral.
Every line and every plot in this novel seems to have a special meaning.
Different readers are bound to have different feelings about this.
Some people are even confused after reading it.
Some people think they understand it, but after thinking about it carefully, they are not sure whether they really understand it.
“A weird and absurd fairy tale.”
“Weirdly cute, weirdly funny, weirdly absurd, weirdly wonderful.”
This kind of strangeness appears in many corners of fairy tales.
For example, drinking a potion will make you bigger
For example, if you eat biscuits, you will become smaller.
For example, rabbits and cats can talk

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